On the map Caustic, i ran behind the enemy and started capping, their jenner came around to stop the cap. So we engaged in a jenner fight but he was moving pretty slow, firing 2 mediums and 2 small lasers at me, i was returning fire with 4 mediums, i jumped and landed ontop (death from above) but it seemed as though the game mechanics had trouble with it as the screen went really jumpy, at this point i was unable to move or control my mech in anyway at all.
After a few seconds i saw the other mech moving away, i was still unable to move or fire, but i noticed i was legged and my CT was crit (there was minimal damage to my mech proir to this) the other mech was pretty badly beaten up, he shot me once and i died.
So how did i lose control of my mech or why did i lose control of my mech?
How was i legged and receive so much damage?
All other mechs were fighting in and around the bowl, there were no lrm's incoming, just seemed a very strange occurance to go from 98% health to below 70% just by using JJ's to get out of trouble, i did try to communicate with the other player but he / she was reluctant to talk back. I would mention the other players name but we are not allowed to do that but i would like to encourage the other player to say what he say and noticed as this type of feed back should (fingers crossed but i wont hold my breath) help the dev's locate and fix such bugs..............

Started by SiorAlpin Wolf, Jun 01 2013 04:47 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 01 June 2013 - 04:47 AM
Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:17 AM
There's no DFA in MW:O and the collision code is horrible still when two mechs try to occupy the same spot.
Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:17 AM
Strange things happen when mechs land on top of each-other right now.
Posted 01 June 2013 - 07:26 AM
you need a highlander to do highlander burial
Posted 01 June 2013 - 04:26 PM
The server freaks out when mechs collide, especially when it's from the top like that. The damage you took was probably friendly fire; your teammates would have seen you and the other mech rubberbanding/switching places a lot, which does really weird stuff with hit detection.
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