However, the intention is only to have provision for small doodads that only really provide some effective cover for lights against direct fire, mostly indicative of longer range weapons. I don't see these as being helpful against indirect fire support.
Examples of the types of obstacles could be anything from a large snow mound, a rock or even a small hut etc etc.
This provision is to help lights with the movement transitions they need to help them with their role and I would only see a need for a few of these well placed objects to really help the light able to better perform its purpose more.
The canyon map is an excellent example of this with lots of cover to exploit, but on the larger more open maps their is little provision for lights to exploit.
Considering the fragility of lights the need to use movement and the fact that these obstacles would not help any class other than the light or at the very least protect the legs or part thereof. This could help to restore some relative fun for the light on some of the more open maps.
Edited by Noesis, 04 June 2013 - 03:46 AM.