Vasily Krasnaya Smert Rasputin, on 05 June 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:
well the hunchback was not terrible, jst hot.I think I want a medium because the heavier ones seem to be too slow to be good against lights. But I don't want to have to buy DHS right away either. Was thinking about Jenner, or HBK-SP? Everyone seems to hate Blackjacks. Maybe aDragon or a K2? But are they really slow to manuever like the Cataphract trial?
I don't want to disourage, but the Hunchback 4P (3.6m) + Double Heat Sinks (1.5m) + Standard 260 Engine (1.6m) + Endo Steel Structure (0.5m) + Some Heat Sinks and Lasers = 7.4m is probably about the cheapest good mech you an get. Build here:
It'll still be one of the hottest mechs in game, but it will cool a lot faster and it will move a lot faster. It qualifies for a good mech.
With Jenner, or any light mech, you will pretty much NEED to have DHS, Endo, Ferro-Fibrous AND an XL Engine (around 5m extra) to move fast and do some damage while at it. Most of those will easily go way past 10m in total price, and are serious death traps if you don't pay it all.
HBK-4SP is nice, but will likely require Artemis upgrade as well making it more expensive than the 4P build above.
I've found the Blackjack 1X with 8 Medium Lasers to be quite decent competitor to the 4P, actually, but it requires an XL Engine besides the other upgrades, so will end up much more expensive.
Dragons and Catapults have very small side torsos, which means most of their good builds will likely have XL Engines.
That being said, buying Premium Time and getting pretty much any somewhat optimized mech (= at least DHS, and the biggest engine reasonable for the loadout and chassis) will get you C-Bills back fast enough to buy new mechs regularly. I'd recommend buying a mech you really want to play instead of one you think will be cheap, since you will be stuck with it for a while.