Please bear with me...
Not sure if its set in stone on how they will do it but I think 3rd person could be implemented as a piece of equipment that mounts to the mech like ECM or BAP and relies on the UAV consumable to capture 3rd person video which is fed back to the on board equipment allowing you to see above the mech. This could either work for 60 seconds or indefinitely (until shot down by enemies) not sure which.
My reasoning is that players who so badly want 3rd person can have it but at a price for the tactical advantage it presents(which I think is huge) and since it can be negated (i.e. shot down) we don't have to cut our player base in half by segregating matches/players based solely on 3rd vs 1st person view points.
I say this because my fear is that if 3rd person is implemented such that only other people in 3rd person can only play other of the same view then I think we will see an unavoidable shift towards 95% of people playing 3rd person matches and 1st person matchmaking suffering. This would probably be caused by more newer players using it and then everyone else just so they can get into a match since that's where more people are. I'd like a system were everyone can be in the same matchmaking pool but put on equal footing given various tactical advantages and situation. Even if elo is not exactly balanced or some teams have more tonnage you are still drawing from the entire pool of available players and not separating them based on play styles (well except for conquest and assault...)
This idea probably sounds crazy and I'm sure there might be some holes in my logic so I apologize in advance if I've angered any BT zealots of 1st person old school mech stuff but this implementation to me feels like the best compromise.
Edited by RocketmanZero, 05 June 2013 - 09:39 PM.