xDeityx, on 07 June 2013 - 09:41 AM, said:
I would argue that those forums are what they are from the size of the community, not the openness of the statistics.
Understanding a player's perspective does not do nothing. It allows less skilled players to know what people who are better at the game are saying
Which would be a bad thing if the "betters" are better because of maxing the current system. (Cue the now very troubled, formerly 'awesome' poptarts having their Elo's crater because their crutch snapped.)
Elo says they're good, they're not actually...
xDeityx, on 07 June 2013 - 09:41 AM, said:
while at the same time allowing more skilled players to separate the signal from the noise.
it allows them to see the signal as they want to see it.
I've learned to see the signal from the noise based on the evidence and construction of the argument, I don't need to make judgement calls (signal or noise) with a public number.
I don't want to give the elitists a weapon.
Elo is a stick of dynamite.
Currently it is locked away in a safe.
Some people who want it, would use it to mine rocks from quarries in order to build.
Some people who want it, would use it to blow up their neighbor's house.
Unfortunately, the former is a much smaller population, and (IMO) it just doesn't warrant handing out dynamite to everyone.
EDIT: Another unfortunate item: The Former, even with the dynamite, wouldn't actually be allowed to use it to mine rocks from quarries, they could still only tell the miners what to do, and hope.
(Sadly, The latter could easily go to town on their neighborhood, however.)
xDeityx, on 07 June 2013 - 09:41 AM, said:
I'm honestly not sure, I'd need more details about the situation (sorry, not trying to dodge the question). What I wouldn't do though is take one look at their Elo rating and skip over their post. Arguments with merit will still have merit with public Elo ratings.
I would never dismiss a post due to an Elo rating because I understand that sometimes people can have a very deep understanding of the nuances of the game without having the mechanical skill to excel at the game. For example I might be fantastic at understanding the relationships between the different units in StarCraft 2 and know exactly when to expand and which units to build to counter my opponent, but my actions per minute might not be up to par and thus hurt my rating score. In MWO I'm sure there are people with terrible aim or terrible framerates even that have a deep understanding of the game and the assets.
I share this. (I tend to think I'd use the information for 'good')
The problem is, reality of forum life is- most don't. It just creates a (
more) toxic environment.
Edited by Livewyr, 07 June 2013 - 10:00 AM.