Wow, this thread is still going..?? The fact remains that this idea about ELO is just awful, it's such a bad idea for MWO at this point of development that it isn't even amuzing to watch people argue over it anymore. ELO being made public with the current level of development of MWO would be a nightmare, there couldn't be a worse time to suggest this than now.
For the issue that making ELO public is supposed to help, there will be unitended consequences (plural) that are negative, and would spawn a whole new breed of mutated trolls that would roam about with reckless abandon, attempting to wave their shriveled little genitalia around like it's supposed to be impressive, when it actually is the exact opposite.
You want to know why?? Their are too many variables to this. NOT one player here is qualified over another that has been in MWO for more than 2 months because MWO changes, and nobody here has access to what will happen next, the DEVs tell us what will happen next, and if they can't fix an issue for some unkown reason we see the player base exploit these issues to bolster their gameplay performance for some sort of advantage.. You want to know how I know this..?? I will explain that too.
When people complained about the LRM apocalypse happening I saw a lot of players say "Learn to Play/Adapt/find cover", and quit crying, and a lot of those people were would be considered top tier/high ELO players, when ECM was being argued about I saw the exact same thing "Learn to Play/Adapt" ( I was one of those, and I didn't run any ECM for a long time ), but again I saw the same people saying the same "Learn to Play" comments.. Then came the PPCs and poptarting, and yet the same groups fo people using this opportuntiy to bolster their performance ingame would say "Learn to Play/Adapt".
If the issue here is that higher ELO players should be listened to over people that have only been around for 3 months, then it is quite obvious how bad of an idea this is.
Does anyone really think the people that latched on to every issue of the month, then used it to improve their gameplay performance is going to recommend things that are "NOT" to "THEIR" advantage, or be unbiased, then you obviously don't know the player base in MWO since closed beta.
I have a friend that has run every single (perceived) cheese boat, or used every weapon/loadout config that was addressed by a patch/hotfix, and he would give the excuse "I'm doing this so they (DEVs) see how cheap it is and they will fix it", then after he relied on it for a couple of weeks or months, the DEVs would announce that the issue was getting patched/hotfixed, and my friend would go ape about it saying "why the F are they going to patch this out, there's nothing wrong with it".
Remember having to lead lights by 2 mech lengths, yep he ran lights, and cried when it was addressed, remember LRMs, yep he did that and cried then too, remember SRMs, remember poptarting, those are just the most obvious. The really funny thing is that he never POSTED about how originally bad he thought they would be, he just ran them, and then exploited whatever (percieved) advantage he thought they gave him (or actually did), until they were addressed, then he would cry about it being changed/nerfed in the forums.. Weird, he didn't say it was bad here, only came in when I told him they were changing it to cry, and I saw a lot of that from others as well.
I don't see any of the people that told the rest of the community, that consistantly told others to "Learn to Play" as being any kind of resource for the influence of MWO development..
Their entire excuse was "everyone else is doing it, if you can't beat them, join them", then they would tell other people to do the same, and you want these people having any influence whatsoever..?? WOW
Nobody here has access to what DEVs have access to in terms of knowing "exactly" what's broken, they don't seem to know all of the time either, and some people want the players that will obviously have "BIASED" opinions having more influence, or thinking that they should have more influence?? No, that would lead to all kinds of awful.
That's incredibly lame, and if people can't see the obvious potential for disaster, and slowing of development, then they are a complete loss, and display really awful 2 dimensional thinking.
As it stands now making ELO public, then looking to the higher/highest ELO players for suggestions is a joke with the current level of development of MWO.
In the future (3 months after relase) I see no issues with making ELO public, but as it stands now, it is an awful Idea.
I don't have any problem with ELO being public right now, I have an issue with the problems it "WILL" cause.
We do "NOT" need something else slowing down the development of MWO.
Edited by Odins Fist, 08 June 2013 - 09:45 AM.