Been playing my Catapult row now for a maybe 2-3k matches (yes mostly the C4 with 2 LRM 20s) and i dont know what everyone in this post is so proud of fast LRM's. The concept of an LRM boat is a mech that solely uses them as their main damage output as INDIRECT fire. I've maybe once in those 3k matches been in a situation where a tag would have been usefull, or a BAP for that matter (for everyone wanting to know my avverage damage is around 500 a match). What everyone here is describing is not a LRM boat playstyle its a striker style, where u dont use the LRMS as indirect more of a direct fire weapon (im mainly talking about lights and mediums with 15-20ish LRMS at max). So to everyone wanting to play an LRM boat here are my tips and yes they work in random battles.
1. U really only need 2-3 missile slots, i found chirning out salvos of 2x20 LRM or even 2x15 Lrms more effective than chaining LRM 10. U first have way better bust potential (results in more kills always satisfying) and enemy AMS has a harder time picking them off. Second reason for that is ur mech itself is harder to spot if ur just firing them in salvos (nothing screams LRM boat here more than 6 C-LRM 5s producing a constant stream). And thirdly ur heat containment will be a lot easyer meaning ur sustained DPS is closer to your Max DPS.
2. Dont aquire the locks yourselft with most Boats (here talking about Catapult, Stalker, Awesome and to some extend Atlas).
Even in random battles there always gonna either be lights who try and pick them off, people who deploy UAVS (to mainly farm credits) or Assaults who think they can take the hits. So u will always have a target to shot at and pound him with 40 dmg salvos every couple of seconds.
This is also the reason why u dont invest in a BAP or Tag or shennanigans like that in ur Boats, on lights and medium strike mechs yeah but not on your heavy or assault Boats, u jsut dont want them to see you in the first place. why being shot at ? Ur mech is gonna run with an XL engine anyways to get atleast 1800 rockets in there, so dont risk it by taking damage unnecesarry, because u wanted to get a lock for 1.5 seconds with your tag before eating 1 Million ER-PPC and being LRM'ed yourself.
3. DONT get left behind. As a LRM boat u should never be the last guy in the pack. Be in the middle. that has some advantages.
The first is, u are closer to the enemy mechs so your rocket salvos have much better tracking and hit potential. Second u get the protection of allied ECMS, AMS and most valuable it gives the enemy something else to shoot at.
And ur much safer form light and medium strikers, because they dont really want to suicide in the main cluster of mechs just to get soem shoots at you.
4. The most obligatory Tip: Know where u can fire from, when u have to fall back or when its your time to move up and get a better position. Otherwise knowing as using your brain in game.
So with that out of the way. Dont waste your tonnage on BAPS, COMCON, or TAGS they could be used for an AMS, more ammo or more Armor (all of which are better)

Lrm Guide
Started by Johnny Reb, Jun 09 2013 12:32 AM
21 replies to this topic
Posted 05 May 2017 - 05:42 AM
Posted 05 May 2017 - 07:06 AM
You realize you reanimated a thread that was dead in June 2013 and had already been necro'ed several times ?
I don't really agree with your "indirect only" method, and your overall philosophy on LRMs is in another galaxy compared to the usual teachings of Pro's in high Tier, but your post, albeit futile, was a fun read anyway.
BTW, if you stay in the middle of the pack, you're using DIRECT fire ... and while a BAP may not be usefull there, a TAG on the other hand WILL ensure a tighter grouping of missiles and thus more focused damage, leading to targets being dead quicker.
Edited by Lorcryst NySell, 05 May 2017 - 07:06 AM.
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