yeah HSR is just weird for us low ping people (I can basically throw a rock out my window and probably will hit a MWO server). Only the damage registers some times, we dont get any other indicators of damage (weapon fire, cockpit shake, hit direction indicator ect ect).
its like playing MW3 zone lobby again ;.;

@paul Hsr Not Working As Intended
Started by Villz, Jun 12 2013 11:11 AM
23 replies to this topic
Posted 13 June 2013 - 10:46 AM
Posted 13 June 2013 - 11:18 AM
yeh the worst part is definatly the incositancy having some times having to lead pre hsr asif its not even on even with laser upto 2 mech lengths. And othertimes it being spot on. Varying from shot to shot its literally game breaking for me. I play with DV8 in competive leagues like LMS and i literally cant play myself untill this issue is fixed as i can't justify my spot......
Also for me my latency is stable 280 and it barely fluctuates 10ms in a game so thats definatly not my issue....
Karl Berg, on 13 June 2013 - 11:07 AM, said:
Hey guys; yes, as you've noticed our issues with packet latency and loss aren't completely sorted, although the graphs indicate we came pretty close. With this very last patch we're now within about 10 to 20% of the total packet rate from about a month ago, except now players won't get disconnected due to low levels of packet loss or large latency variations. We have another fix coming with next patch to try and bring us all the way back in line, which should hopefully also solve the latency problems several users are noticing.
HSR, as it is right now, is extremely sensitive to varying latency, so for those of you experiencing large latency variations due to the increased send rate, this next patch should make things much better. Slightly longer term we are discussion options for removing the need to compute latency for HSR all together.
HSR, as it is right now, is extremely sensitive to varying latency, so for those of you experiencing large latency variations due to the increased send rate, this next patch should make things much better. Slightly longer term we are discussion options for removing the need to compute latency for HSR all together.
Also for me my latency is stable 280 and it barely fluctuates 10ms in a game so thats definatly not my issue....
Posted 13 June 2013 - 01:12 PM
Ping for me going from 147 to 300 and HSR is also inconsistent even when my ping is "normal" (150s). :/
Posted 13 June 2013 - 02:56 PM
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