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Can We Get A Comment From Pgi Regarding Ping Spike, No-Reg And Hsr No Longer Working?

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#41 Lumpy Gash


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:37 AM

View PostValore, on 13 June 2013 - 06:50 PM, said:

He finally died to attrition from the combined streaks of around 3 of the guys. That was the most annoyed I've been in months.

If my hits were on target server side, i could fix that :)

#42 Ghost Rider LSOV


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:17 AM

My normal ping is around 150-170 (I'm from Greece). A guildmate with a somewhat slower connection would get 180-190.
Now we both get spikes that put us above 200, up to 260-300.
HSR in ballistics worked great for me and I had damaged and killed many a light mech, but now I have to further lead the target again and see the shot going through the air in front of the mech to register damage. :)

#43 Melcyna


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 04:00 AM

in short

the previous HSR was doing WONDERS, and worked as it should gameplay wise (but had problems technical wise with the server transmission), ppl with ping as high as 300-400 were able to hit fast moving target with AC shells even on lights... it was a god send.

With the recent patches however they may or may not have fixed 'some' of the technical issue but the HSR is now ineffective and the gameplay has deteriorated to nearly as bad as pre HSR state

needless to say, this aint fun to play for those of us who have high ping, and naturally it's unlikely that those of us who have tasted the HSR when it worked to want to continue playing as it is with the HSR being more or less dead.

somewhat unfortunate that the assault challenge is underway, but it isn't exactly entertaining to try and compete just to watch rounds after rounds of AC shells and even lasers not registering.

Edited by Melcyna, 14 June 2013 - 04:22 AM.

#44 scJazz


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 06:00 AM

View PostKarl Berg, on 13 June 2013 - 11:07 AM, said:

Hey guys; yes, as you've noticed our issues with packet latency and loss aren't completely sorted, although the graphs indicate we came pretty close. With this very last patch we're now within about 10 to 20% of the total packet rate from about a month ago, except now players won't get disconnected due to low levels of packet loss or large latency variations. We have another fix coming with next patch to try and bring us all the way back in line, which should hopefully also solve the latency problems several users are noticing.

HSR, as it is right now, is extremely sensitive to varying latency, so for those of you experiencing large latency variations due to the increased send rate, this next patch should make things much better. Slightly longer term we are discussion options for removing the need to compute latency for HSR all together.

OK so it took 9 days or so after the patch with about 23948231 threads and posts of people saying wow this is really screwed up for a Dev to actually post... "Yeah we know and we are working on it"


Are there any job openings at PGI right now?

#45 rdmx


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 08:54 AM

View PostBluemaxx, on 13 June 2013 - 11:50 PM, said:

This really is a very frustrating situation for all players involved right now.
I understand that the game is still in beta and being developed but the continued issues with the patches is disappointing.
The patches in march havs broken the game for me so i have been unable to play since then (extremely low FPS due to, what i believe anway, the increased draw distance in game) but i have still tried to be involved with my unit as much as possible.
Reading about how the lagshield has returned does make me questions if i should return to this game once i am able to play it again.
I am also, quiet frankly, surprised people still continue to play sometime when all we end up getting is frustrated at the situation we have been given. The only reason i see people returning is that this is the closest we've come to an actual MW game in over 10 years....if this was any other franchise i would have left a long time ago and felt very bitter about the whole experience.
Other games that are also still in beta are showing far better developemental cycles and stability right now and i fear that these games, as well as others also in developement, will drag people away from MWO and make this unviable as a MMO - possibly killing it forever.
I thank Karl for the quick response from the devs so we atleast have an idea what is happenning but i can't help but ask the question:
What will be broken in the next patch?

My patience has been tested as well.

From the '4fps bug', to LRM causing crashes, to mouse acceleration issues, to SRMCat Online, to PPCWarrior Online. Motion sickness inducing patch changes (I can't believe they didn't ask anyone?). The P2W scandal with coolant module slots. Overpowered seismic sensor. I've been here for the lot.

I certainly don't feel I'm alone either. Our unit has seen serious member attrition issues.

The only thing that keeps me going at this point is the potential of the Oceanic League. But the lack of even a simple lobby system is going to make it far more difficult than it really should be. Sync dropping ahoy.

The magical, near mythical 'UI 2.0' which is supposed to fix everything is way too far away. As far as we know, it's still in concept stage.

I honestly don't know why I've put up with it. Perhaps out of some kind of mis-directed sense of hope or duty. We're treading water right now, and the hypothermia is beginning to set in...

Edited by rdmx, 14 June 2013 - 08:55 AM.

#46 matux


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:01 PM


Posted Image

#47 Villz


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 05:58 AM

honestly thinking about quitting this game if they cant fix this HSR unplayable for me atm

#48 Zeus X


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 06:50 AM

View PostVillz, on 15 June 2013 - 05:58 AM, said:

honestly thinking about quitting this game if they cant fix this HSR unplayable for me atm

Gotta love knocking some pug around with Dual AC20's or a few PPC's and doing absolutely no damage to them.

Effin annoying on so many levels.

#49 B0oN


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 07:44 AM

Good thing is that our issues are not discarded as "whinery" but looked into, so I personally can only advise to stay strong and faithful. If one gets too frustrated, take a break (which I do right now), check next patch and hopefully get surprised massively.

Faith, children of the metal, faith.

...and I know it´s hard to keep faithful, I wanna stomp round as much as any of you would like to.

#50 Bagheera


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 07:56 AM

Sounds like this was a good time to be too busy for StompyRobotSpaceWarGame for a few days. :huh:

View PostKarl Berg, on 13 June 2013 - 01:24 PM, said:

To be honest, I haven't actually done any deep investigations into the impact of the recent networking issues on HSR directly. I can make educated assumptions based upon what I know so far alongside user reports; but that's very different from actually turning on HSR debug mode and doing the regression tests, under production loads, with multiple release revisions of the networking layer isolated from other patch changes, with multiple network configurations, to definitively isolate behavioural changes. I wouldn't feel comfortable putting out a formal command chair post on this topic without having had a chance to do at least this level of investigation.

I can assure you though that we are not finished with these systems. The patch to network behaviour I mentioned earlier is already in our stable branch and is undergoing QA testing. We will also be revisiting HSR, not simply to address any regressions, but to improve these systems beyond where they were before.

Actually, that right there, that's exactly the sort of thing that would make an excellent command chair/announcement/known issues/whatever sub-forum post about a topic like this. It doesn't really matter if you have a precise explanation or fix - but preemptively posting an acknowledgement of <issue> with a bit of mostly layman friendly explanation like you posted in this thread would obviate posts/threads like "ERMAGERD eleventy days later you are still saying nothing" and such silliness.

Just a thought.

#51 Cubivorre


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 08:09 AM

View PostBagheera, on 15 June 2013 - 07:56 AM, said:

Sounds like this was a good time to be too busy for StompyRobotSpaceWarGame for a few days. :huh:

Actually, that right there, that's exactly the sort of thing that would make an excellent command chair/announcement/known issues/whatever sub-forum post about a topic like this. It doesn't really matter if you have a precise explanation or fix - but preemptively posting an acknowledgement of <issue> with a bit of mostly layman friendly explanation like you posted in this thread would obviate posts/threads like "ERMAGERD eleventy days later you are still saying nothing" and such silliness.

Just a thought.

^This - a million times.

#52 Captain Pee Sheets


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 11:37 AM

I'm from California, with a consistent ping of between 70 and 80, and HSR has broken hit detection for me to the point that I'm lucky if HALF of damn shots connect for any damage.

#53 Ogresan


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 10:02 PM

View PostArcturious, on 13 June 2013 - 07:23 PM, said:

I got a canned response from the support guys (which is odd as they are usually better than that) saying it was probably the fact I play from AU. On the plus side though they want to look into the issue so I'll take some screens / video, show some ping tests to Calvary area etc and send it all to them over the weekend.

To those though who don't think HSR is the main part of the problem. I'm not 100% on how PGI has implemented it but the issue will be around false positive filtering.

Basically, at some point it needs to decide which hit to trust. The server, or the client. This is why sometimes when spectating you might see a shot hit, but no damage done. On the clients side the game thinks he missed.

The game now needs to decide if you missed on your screen, but hit on the server. Why should it reward you for a hit, when on your end (as far as it knows) you actually missed.

HSR in means you now can't really lag shoot or lead targets anymore. As the HSR will rewind and find that you missed, and record it as a miss even if you had the correct leading for a hit on the server.

At the moment, there is some underlying issue that is causing your actual ping, and what the server thinks your ping is to be slightly different. I believe this is partly showing up in the form of inflated, fluctuating pings. So when that happens you are effectively out of luck. You shoot and hit on your screen. HSR checks what it thinks your ping is and records a miss. The server checks and because you shot directly at the enemy you also miss on the server.

I'm hoping this net improvement coming next patch brings everything back in line. As currently, you can't lag shoot or directly shoot, or hit a small target at all thanks to this disconnect.

This makes alot of sense to me. From closed beta to the introduction of HSR my ping was always between 46-49. After HSR my ping is nearly always 100. This was the patch where I noticed significant hit detection issues. 50 UAC5 round into the back of a Cataphract with neither of us moving (it just shut down after overheat-restart-alpha), no damage. That was the first of many many such incidents. I think the terrain hit detection is off too. When I shoot close to terrain but miss it, I get the animation of hitting dirt in mid air. Usually though the shot does continue on to hit my target (according to reticle turning red; I don't trust THAT either; the dirt animation obscures my view of my target making hit confirmation difficult).

I wanted to add that there have been times as well where I was sure I was about to die after cresting the wrong hill into an enemy force, being in the open all alone and not getting hit.

Edited by Ogresan, 15 June 2013 - 10:06 PM.

#54 SgtMaster


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Posted 16 June 2013 - 06:43 AM

HSR = just means your hits rewind to the point of origin....
so that you take the damage, not your opponent :)

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