Bluemaxx, on 13 June 2013 - 11:50 PM, said:
This really is a very frustrating situation for all players involved right now.
I understand that the game is still in beta and being developed but the continued issues with the patches is disappointing.
The patches in march havs broken the game for me so i have been unable to play since then (extremely low FPS due to, what i believe anway, the increased draw distance in game) but i have still tried to be involved with my unit as much as possible.
Reading about how the lagshield has returned does make me questions if i should return to this game once i am able to play it again.
I am also, quiet frankly, surprised people still continue to play sometime when all we end up getting is frustrated at the situation we have been given. The only reason i see people returning is that this is the closest we've come to an actual MW game in over 10 years....if this was any other franchise i would have left a long time ago and felt very bitter about the whole experience.
Other games that are also still in beta are showing far better developemental cycles and stability right now and i fear that these games, as well as others also in developement, will drag people away from MWO and make this unviable as a MMO - possibly killing it forever.
I thank Karl for the quick response from the devs so we atleast have an idea what is happenning but i can't help but ask the question:
What will be broken in the next patch?
My patience has been tested as well.
From the '4fps bug', to LRM causing crashes, to mouse acceleration issues, to SRMCat Online, to PPCWarrior Online. Motion sickness inducing patch changes (I can't believe they didn't ask anyone?). The P2W scandal with coolant module slots. Overpowered seismic sensor. I've been here for the lot.
I certainly don't feel I'm alone either. Our unit has seen serious member attrition issues.
The only thing that keeps me going at this point is the potential of the Oceanic League. But the lack of even a simple lobby system is going to make it far more difficult than it really should be. Sync dropping ahoy.
The magical, near mythical 'UI 2.0' which is supposed to fix
everything is way too far away. As far as we know, it's still in concept stage.
I honestly don't know why I've put up with it. Perhaps out of some kind of mis-directed sense of hope or duty. We're treading water right now, and the hypothermia is beginning to set in...
Edited by rdmx, 14 June 2013 - 08:55 AM.