Firereign, on 09 June 2013 - 03:22 PM, said:
I personally run 3 LPLs and an AC/20 with 3 tons of ammo, Standard 335, DHS (10 engine, 7 additional), ES, around 550 armour. Can't remember the exact build and can't be bothered to check right now but it's something along those lines.
Why no SRMs? I just don't like them. Even with Artemis, I feel I can't get them all where they need to go unless I'm at very close range, which doesn't happen often. They've got great total damage, but it's too spread out, and without Artemis they're just horrible.
I find that the build works really well, probably not something for competitive play (considering it's not a D-DC) but I enjoy playing it. That said, it does feel weird playing an Atlas with so few weapons...
Nice, I also (used to) run an Atlas with few weapons: 1xAC/5, 1xGauss, 1xERPPC. It's quite nice and if managed well you can perform a nice damage and KDR (my general is 3.23, was 3.25 before this horrible patch which made me make no/almost no damage registered ¬¬). It has a STD350 and it's MWO HE is 2. No heat problems, 45 Alpha, long ranged weapons to fight against Poptarts and snipers, nice speed. Now, some stats about it:
- ERPPC - Long range, disable ECM, no ammo required;
- Gauss - Nice damage, long range;
- AC/5 - Average damage, long range, nice Fire Rate;
- STD350 - Quite fast, useful for hunting, good twist/turning speed;
- Heat - No heat problems (at least I didn't have);
- In-general - Able to fit in any range;
- Case - With Gauss and AC/5 you can use Case to prevent gauss explosion (it's very fragile).
- Low ammo - *You can sacrifice armor, as long as you focus in Torso.
- Needs skill - Really, you can't go Alpha Striking at any time, you need to be cautious with it.
- (*) Armor Sacrifice - Need to remove from right arm (not all, just enough) and divide the legs and left arm, don't remove from Torsos (only if getting more ammo).
- Lights - They can annoy you, if you are a skilled pilot, you'll be able to kill them quickly if they are running in circles against you or doing any light tactic (good ping and internet connection may help you also).
- If not using Case - Gauss can explode... And make bad things to you.
Now, I'm using a new one (Alpha phase) with some changes (using it 'cause of HSR Phase 3, but I'm waiting to clearly test it when they release a fix with Hit/Damage detection):
Some stats:
- ERPPC - Long range, disable ECM, no ammo required;
- Gauss - Nice damage, long range;
- AC/5 - Average damage, long range, nice Fire Rate;
- SRMs+Artemis - Missile shotgun, prioritize to use in <180m or <270m if you are still;
- STD315 - Not the best, not the worst;
- Heat - Very small Heat problems, if Heat gets in 90%, use the priority weapon (normally, gauss and ac/5 or srms, use ERPPC if you're against an ECM 'mech and you have teammates to help you);
- In-general - Able to fit in any range, with nice punch in Close Range;
- Case - With Gauss and AC/5 you can use Case to prevent gauss explosion (it's very fragile) both Torsos Cased, prevent ammo explosion also.
- Lights - Won't annoy you so much thanks to the SRM, but you need to be careful yet;
- Low ammo - *You can sacrifice armor, as long as you focus in Torso;
- (**) Needs skill - Really, you can't go Alpha Striking at any time mainly against Lights, SRMs may help but careful with it;
- (*) Armor Sacrifice - Need to remove from right arm (not all, just enough) and divide the legs and left arm, don't remove from Torsos (only if getting more ammo);
- If not using Case - Gauss can explode... Ammo can explode... You can explode... And make bad things to you;
- STD315 - Not so fast as 350, but enough to survive. Need good positioning though. May have problems with light running around you, but SRMs may help you (**).
These are my builds, I don't remember how much armor I have, even how much ammo I have, but might be enough to survive. With this patch I'm unable to play it or even have fun.
Note: Both builds use ES and DHS.
EDIT: 3.98 KDR with these builds (lost a little after this patch ¬¬).
EDIT2: Sorry for going Off-Topic OP, but these builds are able to hold in Close Range.
Edited by Ryon Kerensky, 10 June 2013 - 02:07 PM.