Mighty Spike, on 16 June 2013 - 01:41 AM, said:
Yeah, Hana is back 
LOL That's quite a reception! Thank you.
kesuga7, on 16 June 2013 - 02:04 AM, said:
;Holy shazam nice renderings including the one in the deviant art page (Especially that robot/elemental thing ****)
but at that point in the process it looks like it has a sun visor

( or maybe all warhawks look like they have a sun visor

but very good work!
That Elemental/Robot thing contains a 2 meter tall, genetically enhanced, lab created infantryman. One of the three Warrior classes of the Clans: MechWarrior, Elemental, and Aerospace Pilot.
I've been told elsewhere that my Warhawk model looks like a Scout Trooper helmet.

Another one of my unfinished projects.
The Birdeater, on 16 June 2013 - 02:57 AM, said:

Warhawk is my all time favorite mech in the whole BT universe. A masterpiece of Jaguar technology!
Can't wait to see the final artwork. Keep up the good work!
Warhawk C is as munchy as anything out there. Two ERPPCs and two Large Pulse Lasers. Plus a targeting computer comes standard with every variant. On the tabletop game combining the LPL and TC gives you a -3 target number. Plus an uncanny ability to target a specific area on an opposing target that isn't available to most other units.
Fury9er, on 16 June 2013 - 06:21 AM, said:
Can't wait to see how this progresses

I love what you've done with the assault omni legs, they look a bit more substantial than the TRO art.
I like to add more detailing to all of my models. Especially more than the TRO art.
This model is shaping up rather quickly as I haven't had trouble figuring out shape or form with this design.

As you can see, I rebuilt the cockpit hatch, detailed the nose with a sensor suite, and built what I think is a rather large heatsink. I placed the LRM10 near the shoulder for scaling purposes.
More to come.
Edited by HanaYuriko, 16 June 2013 - 08:54 AM.