This here may cause some mixed feelings but I'm adding another idea to first post. I actually saw the main idea for this somewhere here in this forum so the credit goes to someone else. Feel free to come and say hi
13. Soft hard point sizes
There should be two different sizes of weapons and weapon hard points. Small and large. But the limit in hard point size shouldn't be hardwired, you could work around it by paying a bit extra. This way free customization is not killed but we do get some more variety to mech variants, they represent better what they're designed for and boating and cheesy builds can be curbed a bit.
Whenever you put a large weapon to a small hard point, you have to pay 10% more tonnage rounded up to closest half ton. So a 5 ton weapon retrofitted to a too small hard point would weight 5.5 and a 7 ton weapon 8 tons. Basically you have to do some tinkering to make the weapon fit, some extra support structures and such.
Energy weapons: PPC's and Large lasers are large, the rest small.
Ballistics: Gauss and AC20 are large, AC10 should probably be considered small.
Missiles: LRM20 and LRM15 are large, even SRM6 should be small, I think.
Let's take STK-3F for instance. It would have large energy hard points in side torsi and in the arms one large and one small. Or maybe all in arms small? Well, let's go with one and one for now. So if you wanna go for 4 PPC's, the normal way would be two in the arms and two in the torso. If you wanna put them all to your arms, you gotta pay 2 extra tons.
The ballistic hard points in CPLT-K2 are small so if you wanna equip Gausses, they weight 16.5 tons each.
STK-5M could perhaps maintain large missile hard points in its arms but those in the torso are certainly small. So you cannot strap on 5 x LRM15 in that chassis without paying a bit extra.
Edited by arghmace, 17 June 2013 - 10:37 AM.