I have a family, and on the weekend I do a lot of things other than playing MWO. I thought I would sit down and see how well I could do for most of Friday night, and a couple of hours on Saturday too.
I had a couple of 200pt games (which is about the score you need to win it as I am driving a HBK-4P) but they are relatively rare events and require many factors to align that are out of your control.
1. You need a team that is good enough to win but bad at the same time so that you can steal all the kills and get in on any assists.
2. You need a heavy opposition team to maximmise damage score
3. D/C are a plus if you can get them
4. You need a map that suits your mech and your playstyle (i.e. not Caustic/Desert in a 4P!!)
Basically the point is that it is a grind because you simply need to play A LOT of games to come across these circumstances as frequently as possible.
I think the tournament would be better if it averaged out your score in ALL games you played. OR took the top 10 but then divided that by the number of games it took you to get those scores. Of course with a minimum threshold for qualification of say 25 to stop people just having 1-2 lucky games off the bat.
On the upside I have actually really enjoyed the games this weekend as there have been a lot of brawler builds looking for kill steals which makes for entertaining gameplay