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Glass Cannon Jager?

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#21 Whompity


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:39 AM

View PostAcid Phase, on 24 June 2013 - 07:34 AM, said:

Very good insight guys. I would love to see that. Nothing makes me so satisfied than to see high alpha builds/cheese go down hard. But just think of a typical drop. Not everyone pilots lights in pugs. Poor mediums are f*cked in one shot. Heavys in 2-3, Assaults in 3-5. It's ridiculous. I see no drawback to that mech unless we get the drop on him first. That's rarely the case.

No lie, attacking an AC/40 is always risky. If you don't have the option of superior mobility (my personal preference) then it gets a lot more difficult. In those cases, you're best to stick with your group and focus fire, I'd say. You can still sneak up and mug an AC/40 if you are patient (say: with a DDC) but identifying them and attacking them in formation, filling their screen with shells, is never a bad option. The only medium I ever really had much success against high alpha builds in was a 4P with lots of lasers... you've got the same alpha damage and it's a lot easier to aim. Still, that's risky as you have to get close.

My favourite allies are, in order:

* Surprise
* Speed
* Numbers

Edited by Olivia Maybach, 24 June 2013 - 07:40 AM.

#22 Lostdragon


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:40 AM

View PostAcid Phase, on 24 June 2013 - 07:10 AM, said:

Except that they don't always use XL engines. I've seen em used without it.

I'm waiting for someone to tell/show me how they took one out 1v1 without 6PPCs, Dual Guass, or another AC40 build.

If he is not using an XL then he is very slow. After you put 2 AC20s and 6 tons of ammo on a Jager with max armor you only have about 14 tons free for all other equipment (engine, heat sinks, backup weapons). If you go that route the biggest engine available is a STD 220 that goes 60 kph w/ tweak. If you go with an XL you can fit a 280 and go about 77 kph.

If you want some backup weapons you have to sacrifice ammo, armor, or choose a smaller engine. So there are some pretty big tradeoffs.

As far as beating one in a non-PPC boat, I have taken them on in a Jenner and won. If you can stay behind them you can beat them but you have to be a much better pilot and they have to not know how to deal with a light. It is a huge risk and unless I have already seen the Jager make some glaring mistakes I would rather not try it.

I personally don't have a problem with AC40 Jagers but I can understand them being frustrating. To me the key is to pick your battles and only attack when you have the advantage. Depending on your build there may be certain kinds of enemies you can't effectively tackle so leave them to a teammate.

#23 FrDrake


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:42 AM

View PostAcid Phase, on 24 June 2013 - 07:34 AM, said:

Very good insight guys. I would love to see that. Nothing makes me so satisfied than to see high alpha builds/cheese go down hard. But just think of a typical drop. Not everyone pilots lights in pugs. Poor mediums are f*cked in one shot. Heavys in 2-3, Assaults in 3-5. It's ridiculous. I see no drawback to that mech unless we get the drop on him first. That's rarely the case.

AC40 jager can't kill any medium in one shot unless it's a head shot. Have you ever played one? It takes 2 alphas to take the hunch off, if you go straight for CT it still takes 3 alphas to the CT for a medium. Cents/Trebs are so slim it's hard to get both AC40s CT unless they are standing stone cold still (and honestly any mech is F'd up when standing still against an AC40). AC40s are powerful, but you are misunderstanding the normal case against the optimal case. Ironically Heavies only take usually 3 alphas to the CT and are easier to kill for AC40 than mediums because they don't move around so much. Stalkers take 4-6 alphas if you go just for CT because once again the AC40s have a hard time both hitting the CT, Atlas take 3 alphas per side torso, 5-6 if you go straight for CT. Awesomes are jager prey because they have large hitboxes and usually run an XL.

The one thing AC40s excel at is taking out XL engines, Everything else you are way overstating the capabilities of the AC40 jager.

#24 Eric darkstar Marr


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 07:53 AM

Glass canon Jager is the 4 UAC/5 version with the stripped down armor. These clowns trying to call the dual ac/20 jager a class canon is deeply wrong.

Really its any mech with moderate or more stripped down armor while maintaining a larger engine.

I normally don't die in my dual ac/20 jager and have 2-8 kills and a good game low damage all head shots bad game 10-14 component destroyed.

Zombie mechs are standard engine only and take forever to kill, see centurion and oddly the stalker.

#25 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 09:31 AM

I would always bet on the Jagermech using an XL Engine. If he doesn't, you might pay for the mistake, but you also just took out half his weaponry and possibly some ammo. But I bet most use the XL Engine, because the mech is slow otherwise, and nothing is more embarrassing then not getting inside combat range.

I wouldn't really call it a glass cannon, though. Not more than any other Heavy Mech in a world of 40+ damage alphas.

#26 Purlana


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 09:34 AM

It's called a glass cannon because it's not a boated stalker.


Edited by Purlana, 24 June 2013 - 09:34 AM.

#27 Whompity


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Posted 24 June 2013 - 09:36 AM

I have to admit, I have to work harder at shooting side torsos and legs (when appropriate) more than I do. I usually default to center of mass (even from behind), though that usually takes the longest. Of course, I rarely take shots from a stationary position.

Edited by Olivia Maybach, 24 June 2013 - 09:36 AM.

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