but 80 bucks is a fair sized chunk of cash (Ill buy overlord or nothing) and after the craptaro incident, I'm disinclined to pay for mechs sight unseen.
So can we just get some screenshots of all 4 mechs standing next to an atlas?
If the scale looks reasonable (ie, shadowhawk not tall as atlas, thunderbolt not gigantic, etc.) I';ll buy it in a heartbeat. The game is at a point now where when its fun, its REALLY FUN, and when its not fun its pretty 'meh'.
Before anyone starts in about how there is no scale problem, and everything is exactly the size its supposed to be because of density and construction and blah blah blah....
That's a load of crap, I know a fair bit about 3d animation and modeling and its really obvious whats going on they are reusing alot of skeletons and anims, thats why the kintaro also handles like a heavy as well as being sized like one. Resizing skeletons is a lot of work in most engines (unreal does a fantastic job with it, but I dont think crysis does) so basically they aren't willing or are unable to put the time into properly build out the new skeletons and are just cobbling them together from previous mechs. THEN they are not bothering to test mechs properly before releasing them.
In most game development projects I've worked on "Scale Adjustment" or "Scale Verification" is a step in the asset pipeline. So either they forgot to add that step, or whoever is in charge of that step is asleep at the wheel.
They should have realized the Goldenboy was a complete train wreck inside of 3 matches, so clearly they aren't testing product before release.
Edited by Gandalfrockman, 18 August 2013 - 10:25 AM.