But I'm not going to. Not yet. I'm not even a BattleTech fan, I've never played anything, read anything, TT'ed anything BattleTech ever before this game, but those mechs look awesome. The reasion I'm not jumping on this like a duck on a junebug is because of the current state of the game.
No, I'm not getting into what's wrong. We all know what's wrong, so I'll leave it at that.
So, Piranha Games, here it is: If your big July 9th "Balance Patch" curbs the tide of walking 1-shot kill robots, and I really mean crub-stomp them, I will whip out my debit card and buy the whole thing. Again, I really want to. However, the game is so one-sided right now, I just cann't justify the eighty dollers. If the July 15th patch is a total let down, and the 1 shotting continues, I'm not going for it, simple as that.
All that being said, I still love playing the game, and I intend on riding it out for a while longer.
Keep it up guys, I know you can make this game work.
Edited by Yiazmat, 26 June 2013 - 10:39 AM.