New Battlemech Movement Behaviour - Feedback
Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:14 AM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:34 AM
Though I do love the new mechanic, as it should make pilots more aware of their surroundings, I do think it needs some tweaking.
1. The speed drop-off is way way to fast. I went from 81kph to 0 in about 1 second in my quickdraw.
2. Due to how fast your speed drops off if trying to engage JJ's to get out of dodge 9 out of 10 time all you do is go up, then when you land you have no forward momentum leaving the only choice to get shot.
3. Maps need a geometry check (tbh they have for sometime in some areas but this is showing up the problem areas clearer). so of the small bumps, rocks, wreckage in the maps shouldn't stop your mech dead in its tracks (or to an almost standstill) as these are small enough the mech would step over.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:53 AM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:19 AM
A rock stops all mechs? ah, no. Seeing an Atlas or Stalker or any mech get stuck on a rock smaller than their feet is hilarious, but not condusive to fair and balanced game play mechanics.
A jenner who jumps before turning gets 'stuck' head high to an atlas in a crystal wall? ah, no.
Both of these I have seen in the last 24 hours. The jenner, I killed. Bug or no, when an opportunity presents itself ...
Patch the patch. I generally like it, but it needs a little tempering.
Edited by wmusil, 03 July 2013 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:32 AM
Noticed with he movement changes I find it odd that a assault mech should get hung up on a what is to it a small rock in relation to mech size.
I can see a lighter mech getting stopped by large objects that are not hills.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:40 AM
In all that was necessary to keep the game going to a better direction like:
-working fix for boating (PPCs/LRMs in particular), nope heat penalty won't do it, you must prevent using hardpoint restrictions or tube restrictions for missiles and srms
-weight matchmaking (or dropship limiter whatever)
-Worthless SRMs (I find amusing how it's good to think about a nerf like this and bumping 0.5 of damage on these requires so much hard thinking)
-CT-only hitting SSRMS (happening by months)
-Worthless pulse lasers
-Worthless LBX 10
-HSR that forces you to aim in a silly way in order to actually place shots (because your position for the server isn't sync'd with what you see in your client)
-DX 11 lack
-Absurd mech scaling (QD as big as an Highlander, TBT nearly taller than assaults, without thinking about the worthlessness of the Awesome, Catapult bigger than a Stalker, Dragon should be looked onto as well)
-worthless artillery/air strikes
-HBK still with the aiming shifted south or north whatever (since closed beta!!!!), its engine rating is too low now
-no true arm lock toggle (give us a REAL toggle key -> toggle means i press it once it forces off, i press it twice it stays on forever)
-DHSs not working as they should (or in general heat issues/balance)
-Seismic being a death sentence to brawling and too effective/high in its resolution
-Lack of collision system by months and months
-Capwarrior on very large maps (introducing a primary objective to be achieved in order to unlock the base cap after it, is such a bad idea?)
-Third person view incoming
-And many other things that now don't come out of my mind
So.. You chose to destroy movement. I do seriously hope some tweaks for this system will be put in place asap, because it's plain stupid not to be able to steep on things that are tall as your feet in an assault or in a heavy that has fallen into the "big ones" category just because you scaled it plainly wrong.
Having some jumpjets doesn't even help, since if you lose forward momentum you can get stuck in no time 10 centimeters below a little ridge or curb and JJ's only lift you upwards without allowing a minimum forward trust in order to actually employ them for the purpose they could help with this behaviour.. Oh dear mechs do have a knee joint or what?!
Probably the speed momentum gets lost too easily, but reaching a complete halt in no time makes me wonder if mechs are using crutches instead of articulated ankles and legs.. Tweak this system to a better degree. I hope you'll do. With this implementation, most of the actual maps aren't absolutely working or they weren't created to be compatible with the latest patch movement behaviour AT ALL.
In these months you focused on giving MGuns a way to live, ECM got back to a more balanced iteration, fixed jumpsniping (latest patch allows it a little but it's not as useful as it was before, since you need to expose more), and did other good things (alternated with tremendous breakouts like with LRMs), but this is by far the worst idea you had. I keep wondering if you devs actually even bother playing your own game and today I read you're readying up for launch in September for real.
If so I wish you good luck. And I wish to bear this patch, adapt to it as I did with HSR back in April and keep playing to see this game succeding, because the will to say hello it's rather high now even though I like mechwarrior, I like many things I saw in this game and I've been playing it basically without any interruption since my join time back in the CB times.
I'm SO glad I found the Phoenix packs totally unattractive because you can't pick up your fav mechs like you could with the Elite Founder..
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:54 AM
Still going to glare until trailer units, on trucks, which are aluminium boxes on steel frames, have no effect on movment evne a comando shouldn't be slowed down by an over sized biscuit tin
Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:04 AM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:56 PM
I'm petitioning PGi to make some of these areas more gradual of a slope to climb up certain areas so they can be reached. Not all areas and not all maps, but I'm asking PGI to recheck all maps and check certain areas and have them use an Atlas to climb. If an Atlas can't climb it and it's supposed to be considered a gradual area for climbing, then the slope or incline should be adjusted on those maps to make it climbable. And again, not drastically, but make it easier to transition so that while it still might be slowed, it still can climb it.
Yes I understand terrain doesn't normally act like this in real life, but if you made a certain section of the map there for all mechs to climb it, and some assault mechs can't climb it, even some heavy mechs, like the Catapult, then why have them there? Just for the lights and mediums to climb them?
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:13 PM
1. There is no smoothness to it...it is jerky. Add a smoothing function. I don't feel like i am slowing down in a mech because of an incline...I get jolted out of my immersion by a jerky game mechanic.
2. Small rocks can significantly slow you down. My mech mass would realistically dislodge the rock but collisions aren't back in game yet (HINT HINT).
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:29 PM
Superslicks, on 03 July 2013 - 11:04 AM, said:
hopefully you won't turn up in a team I'm in then, while it has some bugs its the same for everyone and quitting out on your team puts them in the crap..being one short
Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:06 PM
Anyway, this new movement behavior badly needs to be fixed. As silly as the 80-degree slope climbing was before the patch, at least my mech could actually *walk* across the landscape vs. rolling into snags.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:20 PM
Fun with my JJ brawlers. I'll have to come back later and test my non-JJ mechs. Like everyone's saying, a pass to clean up getting stuck when the view from the cockpit looks clear and flat, especially when turning to face a new direction, would be really helpful. Barrier relative to mech height may be worth looking at a little more with the small, sharp barriers.
That said, on the current patch, things have been not as stable as they should be for me, so my light JJ mechs have been fairly unplayable, which is too bad, since they should be benefitting the most from this patch. I've had to minimize and restore the game, mid-match, to unfreeze things...
Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:03 PM
Match begins with our DDC getting stuck on some rocks about as high as his foot that formed what may as well have been an infinitely tall wall across his spawn point, so he had to go around... rocks no higher than his foot.. Meanwhile, the rest of the team struggles to find a spot - any spot - where they can safely ascend the canyon walls - most of those notches cut in the walls are unreliable at best. I'm in a Highlander with 2 Jump Jets, so I'm fine.... wrong. I just miss the edge of the canyon wall and land - and that's it. My speed goes to zero and I cannot progress because a 1-foot tall barrier is in my way. So, I have to plod down the mountain. A few enemy mechs make the mistake of falling into the canyon and get killed since there's no way out now - you're like a rat in a maze without time to experiment and find that perfect, safe path. In the end, our team died horribly since the other team was able to get on top of the canyon walls while we couldn't find a safe path and stick together. No tactics at all here - whichever team either knows the safe paths or gets lucky will win since the other team will be nothing more than targets.
Next up was River City.. .at Night. Yeah, no way. Most of us just lingered near base, chucking LRM's, because it was pointless to try to stumble around in the dark trying to avoid stubbing our toes. Found far too many seemingly shallow spots that result in near total stops. We won that one, but what a stupid match - just standing there most of the time, afraid to leave our little zone of safe terrain for fear we'd slide down a small slope and be cut off from the team.
Gameplay at this point is utterly broken. This change never should have been rolled out in this state, and certainly not during a holiday week since that increases the delay until a hot-patch can be implemented to fix it.
I pity any new players to the game between this patch and the eventual correction of this problem, though I sadly suspect they won't stick around long enough for pity.
Edited by oldradagast, 03 July 2013 - 04:04 PM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:53 PM
My hunchback SPITS in your general direction.
Edited by BillyM, 03 July 2013 - 04:54 PM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:47 PM
Once the buggy implementation has been taken care of, I'd also like to see a rework of Canyon and Alpine. I agree that having limited access routes to the upper ledge makes route choice more important and tactical, but as is you can wind up walking almost a kilometer to just try and get up to the top level, taking fire from an opponent who is already on the high ground. Unfortunately, this means it tends to be suicide to go along the lower routes, and does not encourage movement at all, especially given the long sightlines along the top of the map.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:55 PM
Edited by Asaru, 03 July 2013 - 06:03 PM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 06:07 PM
- Mechs making scraping sounds when moving against walls
- Mechs moving backwards when colliding directly against a wall to prevent damage, instead of merely coming to a stop
- Inverse kinematics
Do all of the above and I might actually feel like I'm in a big walking chunk of metal for once.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 06:31 PM
After the mech type max degree, mechs should still be able to move till maybe 55 degrees, at a much lower speed percentage rather then a full stop.
And then up to 60~70 degrees at only 1kph. After that a full stop should occur.
Edited by Gaden Phoenix, 03 July 2013 - 06:32 PM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:55 PM
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