At the risk of enlisting in the PGI defense force, I have to say that I haven't felt slighted in the least. Not with the smaller cbill bonus on my Founder's mechs (which I still play regularly), nor with the comparatively better deal that Project Phoenix represents.
I've worked as a contractor for sixteen years now, and frankly you just have to money the money when you money or else
Everyone knew from the beginning that they weren't purchasing a finished, polished, vetted product in a pretty package with a warranty. This thing is (and hopefully will be for awhile), an ongoing process. They might not have horked out the rather ambitious milestones they were speculating about yet, but what they have accomplished is damn impressive, frankly I was dubious about them making it this far. This IP was dead and buried, and Microsoft had practically riveted the coffin shut. Just buying into the franchise was a huge gamble, let alone assembling a team to do something with it. And we, (b itchy ones included) have had fun with what they've done.
Employees have to get paid. Businesses require a cash flow to continue to exist. The majority of this playerbase are deeply buried in adulthood, and by far most of us are professionals of some capacity. You all know this already.
If you can't see clear to spend anymore money on this thing, fine. I for one can totally respect that, but it's irritating and condescending to go around "spreading the gospel" of how foolish it is for the rest of us to continue to spend on this disappointment that you are so clearly disappointed in.
I think I've sunk about $500 in this thing so far, with another $80 heading out next week and I don't regret a penny of it. If I think back on the sheer number of games I've plopped down $60 on, good ones, bad ones, a very few great ones; If I add to that books, magazines, movies, (this is just my crap I'm on about, I've got four kids and a wife also) I am forced to conclude that I will spend money to amuse myself. Here lately, Hero mechs, camo patterns, and premium time have been amusing the hell out of me.
These people have to make money folks. Deal with it.
EDIT* Uhhhh.,... OP, sorry about the rant. It's very late/early