Eric darkstar Marr, on 29 June 2013 - 07:08 AM, said:
Well at least they will be adding ladders in and yes damage means **** been running my new treb c all morning and its a viscous light killer my damage is around 300 but I get the kiils in. I guess it comes down to having some faith there will be a balance of some sort and I still say lets see how well incline works, sad we may see the spider ruling the field with its lone ER PPC. I know we get cocky in my clan for sure however most all of us try different things overall when doing 4 mans in 8 mans we try and stay with competitive builds but not everyone runs cheese nor is it mandatory.
just one of the reasons I actually like you guys......
(there being a hnadful of units I actual respect, and an even smaller number I will drop with.... not because I think I am "too good", as I realize I am middle of the pack, but I can't handle d-bag epeen teams, nor tbh, teams like the BWC with ridiculously regimented rules to play a game.)
If you see another BWC guy on the other team you have to pull back, and not engage, or if the other team has a BWC 4 man, essentially power down? That's griefing kids. Not to mention kinda stupid. I don't consider the guys I hang with most (HARDcorps) to be the edge of the spear or anything (good guys and often better than people realize though... just refuse to Cap and run cheese, which is OK by me) but if we drop and there are other HARD guys on the ther team...we feel obligated to kill each other.
It's a game, if I want the military, I'd be in BDUs. Not to mention fighting yourself sharpens the spear.
Gaan Cathal, on 29 June 2013 - 07:17 AM, said:
So you're basically saying you can have a maximum of X (3 in the case of the JR7-F) weapons in this arm, with a maximum of Y slots (again, 3 in the case of the JR7-F) used between them. So the JR7-F could use 6 ML/MPL or 2 LL/LPL+2ML/MPL or 2PPC/ERPPC.
Assuming I'm right there, to carry 4 PPCs you'd need four sets of 'three energy crit' chunks. Battlemaster could get to three PPC, since it starts with one, and then could potentially convert each set of 3 ML into a PPC. Then it just depends if it can slap a Gauss in the MG arm.
That's a point, how does this system deal with ballistics? Their crit requirements are a: bigger and b: more varied so what looks like it'll work perfectly well for energy weapons would be a great deal more clumsy for ballistics. Dragons don't need their ability to mount a Gauss in their AC2/(U)AC5 arms removed.
sorta (if I read you right)
basically... if the mech had 3 energy hardpoints in one spot, it could trade 2 tome 1 Large hard point. So now the BLR would potentially have 3 small hardpoints, or 1 Large (for 2 small) and 1 small. So could pack a PPC or large laser per torso, or a LPL and MPL, for example, or 3 Mediums/MPL.
So let's use the Dragon 1-C. 3 Ballistic points. It could run 3 MG (smalls) AC/2 or a mix of those and AC/UAC5s.
or it could convert 2 of those slots into 1 Large and mount an AC10/LB-X or Gauss and still have 1 small ballistic left.
Now some, like the 1-N, would be more limited. I could only mount the UAC5 or smaller. But that is also what helps truly separate the differing models of the same chassis. Because it can't mount the Gauss, now 1N and 5N are probably going to mount bigger engines, or Standards, or such, and be faster, whereas the 1C is going to be the heavier hitter.
Conversely, I would be inclined to say you can trade a Large in for 2 small, also, so a Cat CI with 1 LRM15 per arm, for it's current 1 Large could swap for let's say 2 SRM4 (I might even consider SRM6s as small if the damage stays as pathetic as currently).
So maybe I didn't think it to the full and break it down as clear in my OP, but essentially all slots would be built to some degree off the Small slots. And they would be (within limits) exchangeable. 2 Small become 1 large, 1 large can become 2 small.
So perhaps the "base" HBK-4G would have hardpoints like this:
H- 1 Small Energy
RT- 1 Large Ballistic(Large can be "downgraded to 2 small) , 1 Small Ballistic
RA/LA 1 Small Energy each.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 29 June 2013 - 07:29 AM.