So. Again. For the dim of memory/mind....
Full customization has always been part of Battletech, and of the majority of MW games. -FULL- customization. This means everything and anything was customizable.
For MWO, the devs decided to institute the hardpoint system -only- as a means of restricting the builds from the more unreasonable builds that they felt had no justifiable reason to exist (24 machinegun mechs, for example). These restrictions were not something the playerbase wanted or liked, but we accepted it as the price to keep -some- customization without restricting things to the point that we might as well not have it at all.
Then some player began to whine that heavy mechs were going 'too fast', that 'that mech shouldn't be as fast as me'. The result? Engine restrictions to prevent mechs that were already sacrificing huge amounts of tonnage from weapons and armor from attaining the normal maximum speed possible for that mech. All in the name of appeasing the crybabies who had their preconceptions of what X mech 'should be' bruised by the reality of what they always could be.
Then some players began to whine that they were being killed by mechs which had too many heavy weapons on them. Surprise! They died to mechs with -lots- of -big- guns. So, they cried to the devs to do something about their own lack of tactical skill. End result: We have a set of counters in the work that will handicap mechs that take more of a certain type of weapon than the chassis should carry...-AS DETERMINED OUT OF HAND BY THE DEVS-.
But now, that isn't good enough. Now, once again, we have people saying that won't solve their problems (maybe because it was never about overgunned mechs). Now, they say we have to restrict weapons to -only what should be in the mounts-. And don't try to say that isn't the goal, because we all know this stemmed from the old argument that the CPLT-K2 Ballistic hardpoints should be restricted to Machine Guns because 'that's what the hardpoints were for'.
Fine. Here is the plain truth. MWO is already much more restricted in mech customization than any previous MechWarrior game, in violation of the original Battletech -AND- MechWarrior games. If that isn't good enough for you, then let's be quite plain with what you must argue for if you want even more restrictions...
You want to get rid of the Mechlab altogether, and just have people run whatever stock mechs are put in by the Devs. Fine, let's do that then. No customization for anyone, and you people will be happy then (you -better- be happy, or you are simply being deceptive to both the readers and yourself). Don't keep layering one call for more restriction after another, when it is customization at all you hate.
So. Either ask for all customization to be removed, or quit harping on more and more restrictions, since that is exactly what you are advocating (no matter what you say to the contrary). Either you allow people to customize their mechs -their- way (not yours), or you don't allow any customization at all.
Edited by Jakob Knight, 29 June 2013 - 10:57 AM.