4ries, on 08 June 2016 - 01:22 AM, said:
To me personally, I find players that spread laser damage around your mech to be jackholes... Why is that? Because they spread the damage all around your mech, leaving no torso, arms or legs untouched. If they keep doing that then eventually they will wear you down enough for other mechs to come in to brawl and since your mech is damaged everywhere you are at a disadvantage.
You cant really shield or torsotwist to protect something because your whole mech has already been damaged. To me thats real bad sportsmanship.
This spiraling lasers technique is just lame. And jackhole like...
When I aim I always go for the centre torso. Thats a leftover from my mechwarrior4/mercs days (never played that online though.). And I never aim for side torso's too actually.
My point is this: learn to aim! I rather go up against a player that is targeting a specific part of my mech than someone spreading all his applied damage all over my mech because he probably cant aim, has twitches and/or is an *******.
I was about to make a comparison to something but I wont... My point should be clear enough...
Spiraling laser technique...
I suppose it can be a bit jerkish. More orange and red draws enemies like magnets.
They're helping you to live longer but in a sense if the game had repair and rearm; this technique would be a
troll's way to bankrupt you. Again, if R&R was still in.
ManDaisy, on 22 February 2016 - 01:44 AM, said:
Advantages is that you won't totally miss a mech. Disadvantageish is spread damage. Doesn't work will with pulse lasers.
Useful for mimicking the advantages of LBX spread for spray and pray over red areas.
This has a few issues, the only one I won't bother to get into is self-risk or pinpoint issues.
Doing this will do decimal damage to the various limbs you spiralled on. Note that the typical medium laser has about 10 ticks. Check tick, is on target? Yes; apply 0.5 damage. Check tick, is on target? No, waste 0.5 damage. The problem is that where the crosshair is on each tick is what matters, if the laser is off target for maybe 0.00001 seconds and it happened to be on a 'tick', bam you lost that damage.
Note that ER MLs have more ticks and "reduced duration" lasers actually have their tick count cut in proportion to their duration,meaning bigger risks of losing damage.
MWO takes all decimal damage and rounds them up when scoring; you don't really do that much damage it's been rounded up to inflate your numbers.
This said, I see you noticed it doesn't work well with pulse lasers. Pulse lasers only have 2 to 5 ticks. Their spacing is also further apart than each millisecond.
Large pulse laser: Checks for a tick approximately every 0.15 seconds of unquirked beam time and applying 2.65 damage in that tick.
Large pulse laser with a 20% beam duration cut -- as just an example -- might only have 2 ticks instead and check every 0.25 seconds to apply 5.3 damage, and being off target there... heh...heh.
Still these are with just one laser.
If it can't decide where you are aiming at the time of a tick, the game shrugs and says miss.
This is the reason why pulse lasers don't agree with it too much.
This is someone using the spiraling technique; unintentionally.
Four lasers, so 2 damage per tick.
Still not much good, but there was a clear disadvantage here; the enemy has a weak point and aim just wasn't that good.
Edit: Damage calculation here was based on old Large Pulse Laser damage of 10.6...
Now inflated to 11???
First LPL measurement: ~NOW~ buffed to 2.75 damage per unquirked tick (if still 4 ticks)
Second LPL measurement: ~NOW~ buffed to 5.5 damage per unquirked tick. (if still 2 ticks).
Note: Base duration has also changed. **** you PGI.
I'm not gonna work out the math on that... As 4ries said, that's Jackholish.
Why buff damage if you're gonna increase the duration?!?! ...Sense PGI make does not.
Edited by Koniving, 08 June 2016 - 04:09 AM.