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Armor Information

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#1 Cabal LV426


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:04 AM

I want to discuss the ARMOR INFORMATION HUD.
FOr the first now armor is displayed same for all mechs.

I suggest to modify it to give information of location size. The problem now is that player see that left torso is small on the HUD but Highlander and Jagermech side torso Really is big and player don't think to safe it and not been careful.
The second is that color indication give not enough information about you armor state. Yellow is 99% and 80%. I think need to rework it for example you push button "Teamate stats" and it shows armor state in numeric format for example 22/46 where 22 - demaged armor at the moment, 46 - undamaged armor.

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