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Visual Suggetion.

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#1 Robot Legs


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:39 AM

When I think back to the old MW games, obviously the graphics where WAY outdated on todays standards. MWO has much more modern visuals, which is great. I however find myself wishing there was more clear weather. For example, the river city map, is always night time, and add in smoke, and fog, and all that, and I find it too hard to see anything. Yesterday, I joined that map, and it was a clear sunny day. All of a sudden, I liked the map much better. Maybe for me, the fix is as simple, as more sunny days, and dark, foggy nights, less often. Same with snowy areas. When the snow fog is thick, I don't like it. Maybe once again, more often clear, with occasional fog.

#2 PenitentTangent


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:24 AM

welcome to simulation games.

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