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Lrm Screen Shake

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#1 Ewigan


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:49 PM

It is so bad, just like the ac shake back when it was first implemented.
You can't see a damn thing because of smoke and explosions, so you can't retreat and/ or fire back. And then add the shake effect.... :S

It's just WAY to much.

Edited by Ewigan, 02 July 2013 - 12:49 PM.

#2 Ewigan


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:40 AM

Really, it's only me?

I can't see a thing while hit by LRMs, the explosions and the smoke are to huge.
Added to that are the sounds AND the HORRIBLE cockpit shake.
THe Shake feels like i am using my JumpJets!

#3 Drakari


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:32 AM

I haven't noticed any change in this patch, though talking overall LRMs are pretty annoying even if they're not THAT dangerous. The biggest change I've seen to the LRMs seems to be a fairly significant new delay between activating the group and the missiles actually firing, and I used them so rarely before that I might just be remembering wrong.

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