So, I made a thread when the patch was announced, pointing out that PGI's updates seem to be at cross-purposes, regarding jumpjets, slope movement, and the canyon map:
No response from PGI, so maybe they thought my concerns were just paranoia and it wouldn't be as bad as I thought once the patch came out.
Now, I've just played Canyon post-patch, and there were pretty much universal complaints during the match, from both teams, that it's pretty much unplayable in a heavy with no jjs. I was in a Cataphract WITH jjs, and even I had trouble getting around (stuck on lips of paths, unable to jump up slopes except for on the paths, etc).
So, maybe now that my fears were confirmed, that the slope movement "tweak" and the canyon map together are just a ball of frustration, maybe someone would care to comment? Sure, a few difficulties are cool for encouraging strategic play, but just frustrating players for no apparent reason is not good for business.
PS... the jj fix included in this patch was very nice, I commend PGI for addressing that issue. The problem now is, you don't have much choice but to use a jj mech all the time if you want to be competitive, since you never know when you will drop into Canyon. I think we should be aiming for the middle ground, if we want a balanced game, not swinging from one extreme to the other (jumpjets unplayabe -> jumpjets required).
Trying This Again...
Started by LastPaladin, Jul 02 2013 03:50 PM
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