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Convergence Fix

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#1 GldnSabre


  • PipPip
  • 33 posts
  • LocationSouth Florida

Posted 05 July 2013 - 01:37 AM

Why not have a system that allows for convergence that works something like this:

1. 2 AC20's, you have dual cross hairs on screen and it takes a few seconds for them to line up to make a single cross hair. If during this time of convergence you are hit or move in and different direction or turn the cross hairs move apart. Have the cross hairs change colors once convergence is made. (This would be for any weapons in the arms that can move independently from the rest of the mech.)

2. Weapons in the torso's get a fixed convergence at a fixed range. (you want to have focus fire with weapons that have no independent movement then time and range your shots.)

3. The convergence calculation only works with paired weapon groups. If you use chain fire for any weapon then you get a cross hairs for that weapon.EX:
(Chain Fire) a. 4 medium lasers 1 RA 1 LA 2 L/R/CT in chain fire each gets a cross hair when it is the weapons turn to shoot. The area in which the cross hair for each weapon is in the general area of the previous fired weapon unless you move the change target and it resets.
(Alpha Strike) b. All weapons get a cross hair which take a 1 to 2 seconds to converge.
(Group weapon arms ) c. Groups of weapons in arms get dual cross hairs and time to converge can be affected by movement or incoming fire.
(Group weapons torso) d. Convergence at fixed range for group firing.

4. Now there is wiggle room in this idea for improvement. Better combat computer faster convergence or less de-convergence for movement or hits.

Just a thought.

Edited by GldnSabre, 05 July 2013 - 01:39 AM.

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