Use: Single
Detonation Zone: 250 meters (radius)
Effect: Scrambles HUD & Minimap
Duration: 30 seconds
Counter: Shutdown & Restart BattleMech
Description: When the E-Bomb is detonated, it creates a powerful electromagnetic pulse that radiates outward in all directions. When used on the battlefield, Bitching Betty will say, "Radiation Spike Detected." Since the EMP travels at the speed of light, all BattleMechs in the detonation zone are affected simultaneously and indiscriminately (that’s right both friend and foe). The affects are readily apparent as the HUD and Minimap are scrambled for a duration. To clear the scrambling effect on the BattleMech, simply shutdown and then restart manually. The BattleMech that used the module is also affected. This module would allow for some very interesting strategies and tactics!
Edited by Maverick01, 05 July 2013 - 06:05 PM.