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Recommendations For First Mech

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#81 Cairngorm


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:20 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 08 July 2013 - 05:50 AM, said:

As a new player, I will say do not get the Hunchie. Too slow, firepower all in right torso and LRMS/SRMs do not do much damage.... I wish I would have saved everthing and went straight to a heavy.

Well as i new player i started with HUnchbacks, 4h and 4g variants. Its bit slower than other mediums with stock engine, and its biggest flaw is that most of its firepower is mounted on its HUGE shoulder "D. Other than that i enjoy runnin an dgunnin with ac/20 and 4 mediums. Heat sink upgrade is needed though.

#82 RavensScar


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 10:06 AM

I'd agree with everyone recommending the Hunchie 4SP. It was the first mech that really clicked for me, although that was pre-SRM nerf. The 4SP's tactics are easy to understand - hide behind an Atlas until you can run up, hug an enemy and deliver 12 SRMs. It's surprisingly durable, and actually quite maneuverable.

Once you've got the hang of the 4SP, you'll probably be comfortable with other Hunchies where you need to protect your hunch. Although, I would recommend the 4P as the next port of call - easy to stick a bigger engine in, and no ammo worries.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend Cataphracts. They tend to have quite a mash of weapons, and I believe it takes more work to find a build that works for you - not very beginner friendly. First mech I bought was the Cataphract 1X and I found it very hard to get on with.

Generally, I'd say that it's best to recommend a mech where the stock build is at least a decent starting point. Being told "buy X, but you'll want to upgrade the engine and change all the weapons before you use it" isn't a great introduction if you're just starting out.

#83 Kanajashi


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 10:16 AM

View PostRavensScar, on 01 August 2013 - 10:06 AM, said:

Generally, I'd say that it's best to recommend a mech where the stock build is at least a decent starting point. Being told "buy X, but you'll want to upgrade the engine and change all the weapons before you use it" isn't a great introduction if you're just starting out.

I totally agree with you, there are few mechs that have pretty good stock designs and only need Endo, DHS and a better engine. The HBK-4SP, HBK-4P, CPLT-C1 to name a few.

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