Slight drop in fps (I usually have about 25-30 and had 20-25 with slightlly less cpu intensive settings)
1 Crash to mechlab
1 large lag (2-3 seconds) on IIRC canyon
Hit detection appeared fine, heat seemed the same for the most part.
Dropping as a 3 man, fights lasted significantly longer for the most part, and were also more fun in general. No real roflstomps, and a marked decrease in sniping, and overall felt more "tactical" as far as movement went. Lrm Usage seemed up, as did tagging by lights... for me and the 2 I was droping with, this "felt" remarkably close to the game that we feel most of us want.
Overall experience: For all I care, if a sizeable portion of hte active communits was testing, you can put this on live tomorrow and I would be pleased

*Edit* CPU /GPU data as per Karls request:
Athlon X4 840
Nvidia reference GF GTX560 w/ 3 GB RAM
Edited by Zerberus, 11 July 2013 - 11:31 AM.