Well I bought the Victor-9S and I'm not unhappy that I did. However looking it over I noticed a couple of things.
First and it's not a big thing but something the art team may want to consider for future designs and then eventually go back and redo for old ones as time permits are the dynamic hardpoints.
The AC/20 looks great, the empty hardpoint looks like it's missing something, as if a hand or weapon should be there, just doesn't really look right. The way the missles were done on the other hand looks awesome. The mech torso doesn't lose anything visually if it's empty but adding a second or third weapon and it's rendered. Doing something like this for the arms would just make the mech look nicer. Perhaps a cap that forms in with the rest of the mech chassis so that if the hardpoint is not in use there's nothing glaring that something is obviously missing. It's a little thing.
The second part is a little more important. Using the Victor-9S as an example again it has 3 missile hardpoints. The first you can see the 6 tubes, however the second only adds 4 tubes the third 2. Now I like the idea behind it, however a person doesn't know about this limitation prior to purchase. The buyer may well look at hardpoints and purchase the mech with a particular loadout in mind for it only to find because of the unknown restriction their design won't workout as they foresaw.
Ex. they wanted to use a SRM6x3 setup not realizing there would not be enough tubes to support firing them all in one shot. They are now unhappy with their purchase because the whole idea behind choosing or adding this variant was to be able to mount 3 missile systems that could fire simultaneously. I took the example from posts from such disappointed customers.
As such I suggest that such restrictions should be added into the new UI to prevent the unavoidable flame threads that are sure to ensue from players that put down cash for a mech intending it for a certain use or loadout and now cannot use it in the way they intended because they had no idea how the dynamic hardpoints would physically render and potentially restrict their design. If this information is added into the chassis description then the buyer knew what they were getting up front. Fewer unhappy players, fewer headaches for PGI.
Think that covers it adequately.

Ui 2.0 And Mech Art Suggestions
Started by Jack Lowe, Jul 10 2013 10:34 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:34 AM
Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:38 AM
showing missile # of slots is very important hopefully will be added in the future.
Posted 14 July 2013 - 07:15 PM
yes right now it's practically buyer beware as we're really not being given some important information in deciding on our purchase. I've already seen it cause some bad feelings. Just don't see a point In causing unnecessary grief.
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