Trying to prevent these builds from doing what they do by limiting their DPS is simply ineffective. Sure, it doesn't allow them to brawl as well using the same cheesy tactic, but it's their ability to ruin someone's day in one shot from across the map that makes them broken.
Sure, now that SRMs are back, you can rush them and expect to have a fair chance, but that's only because of the SRM buff. Most of the time, smart snipers stay well-protected behind their lines to ensure a rush would be suicide.
In addition, good players will simply chain fire at close range. At close range, chain fire doesn't have such a negative effect on accuracy since the target is large on the screen. At far distances where chain fire would make the most difference, it's simply not needed - there's no pressure and you can pick your shots.
Tonight, I ran about 15 matches. Most were in my Pretty Baby running SRMs (<333), but I took each cheese monster out for a spin to see how the heat penalties affected them. Needless to say, I'm not impressed.
I exercised extremely lax, spammy fire discipline, and it barely affected the way I play. These videos demonstrate why heat / limiting DPS is an inadequate solution:
Cheese King 732
Cataphract PPC Jumpsniper
PPC Stalker
Extreme, pinpoint damage needs to be prevented, not punished. What I'm really trying to say here is can we fix convergence now?
Edited by Homeless Bill, 17 July 2013 - 11:01 AM.