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Another Suggested System For Convergence! Yay!

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#1 Michido


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 07:05 AM

I recently heard PGI's take on convergence either on a NGNG pod cast or an "ask the devs" post. Basically, i get the impression that they'd like to look in to convergence, but it's just too big for them to handle right now.

So now that I've pointed out the futility of another convergence thread, let me proceed to make one anyway. TL:DR at bottom

I, like many others in these forums, believe that fixing convergence is the most consistent way to fix the high PIN-POINT alphas that drive the current PPC / AC 40 boating meta. That does not mean I don't think heat is an important factor as well, it's just outside the scope of this topic.

My suggestion essentially goes along the lines of Homeless Bills comprehensive convergence proposal


To summarize, he suggests a expanding cone of fire that is linked to a second "Heat-like" resource in the form of targeting computer load. Essentially, constant alpha's will overload this computing resource, ensuring subsequent shots will be inaccurate until the resource can be regenerated.

I suggest a similar mechanism but modified at two key points:

1) Weapons begin to converge upon target lock - The default convergence should be inaccurate, and only when an enemy mech is properly targeted do the weapons start to home into a "firing solution" that will ultimately result in 100% convergence. When a weapon is fired, that weapon loses lock and will begin it's count down sequence anew. Obviously when an alpha is fired all weapons lose lock and are reset to their default aiming vector

2) Initial weapon vectors are locked - Instead of a random cone of fire, I propose that the initial point of aim of all weapons be straight ahead. That is, convergence at an infinite distance. Upon target lock, the weapons vectors drift towards reticule center at a rate determined by various factors to be suggested below.


The goal of these 2 elements are to reduce the prevalence of high alpha strikes with a risk-reward mechanic of chain firing individual weapons or waiting for 1 accurate alpha. Furthermore, requiring a wait time upon target lock for convergence reduces the changes of a crippling first strikes from across the maps or snapshots.

The second point, locking initial weapons vectors, eliminates the "randomness" of shots associated with "cone of fire" mechanics, which I've seen a few complain about in the forums. During the "firing solution resolution time" the weapons point of impact travels in a straight line between initial point to perfect convergence on target. If fired before firing solution is achieved the shot lands somewhere in between initial and final points. In this way, the player is punished for firing early, but not arbitrarily so.

Minor details and Caveats:

- Different weapons have different lock on times. Ex. ERPPC and ER laser are slow to aim, Med lasers are standard, Pulse weaponry acquire convergence faster than their standard counter parts. MG's require no time at all.

- Line of sight lock on distance could be reduced emphasizing spotters and scouting teamplay

- weapons loaded onto arms converge sooner. Arms with lower actuators faster than those without

- TAG and NARC decrease convergence time for all team members on the marked target, increasing their functionality. Seeing a stray TAG laser aimed at your cockpit will be that much scarier.

- Default convergence maybe set in mechbay. So the player can consistently dumbfire if proper distance can be maintained.

- Group or alpha firing may add a "firing solution time penalty" making alphas a poor choice for sustained accurate fire

weak points still yet to be fleshed out:

- Very development intensive. I'm no game developer, but I doubt this is a simple solution that can just be dropped in. Not to mention they've already stated convergence fixes are not coming anytime soon

- Extra UI elements: How to display status of individual weapon convergence effectively.

- changing convergence may drastically alter balance and flow of the game, essentially up ending all balance efforts made up until now

- some chassis might still consistently deliver high pinpoint alphas, like highlander with 3 energy slots in arm.

TL;DR - Suggested a convergence system that starts out with weapons shooting straight ahead and converges overtime upon target lock. Resets to default convergences after firing.

#2 Egomane


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 07:55 AM

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