Oppresor, on 18 July 2013 - 01:05 PM, said:
Not exactly true; read the comments above and consider firing the LBX10 Scattershot into the centre point of several light that are chasing your Assault. The idea is to do some damage to all of them rather than a lot to one. There's also the morale boost from hearing the thing go off; it's a bit like hearing a Harley engine, you know it's the real thing and there's no substitute.
Far better is learning to aim, and just hitting them with real weapons.
See, if you do some damage to all of them, you're doing 1-3 points damage to each. That's so low it's literally inconsequential. It'll take so long to incapacitate lights that way they'll carve you apart anyways.
Against lights, if you have bad aim, use Streaks, or SRM6's. An SRM6 gives you the same spread love that the LBX gives you, except it only weighs 3 tons and is throwing 12 damage instead of 10. Sure, it's capped at 270m, but if you're looking for a shotgun effect, it's much, much better.
Personally, when I was new and couldn't reliably hit lights with ballistics, I was a huge fan of lasers. The beam duration and hitscan nature means hitting them is as easy as putting your crosshairs on them.
Don't get me wrong, I think the LB-X - leaving actual performance and game impact aside - is the single most incredibly awesome gun in the game. It looks badass, it sounds awesome, the smoke and flames are wild. It's FUN. I don't ever dissuade people from using an LB-X just because it's fun.
But don't kid yourself, it's the worst ballistic option, even worse than machine guns now they've been buffed a few times - despite the fact that they're still pretty bad too - at least they are small, light, and generate no heat.
A real problem in this discussion is that people keep calling the LB-X a "Shotgun" with all the FPS baggage that goes with that term: High damage, short range, more dangerous in close quarters than comparable "Rifles". The LB-X isn't like that. Appearances aside, it's not like a shotgun in a FPS, because it's bad in every circumstance where it's not so close that all the pellets hit the same location... In which case, it's *almost* as good as a regular AC/10.