Hayden, on 29 July 2012 - 10:20 PM, said:
While I started a couple threads dedicated to specific types of art (Insignia, Concept Repaints and the little Uniform thread) I want to start getting into more general/original art, rather than repainting Alex Iglesias' stuff over and over again or making larger variants of the insignia. Don't worry, I'll still be doing that, the insignia stuff and the odd uniform. But I also wanted to branch out some more.
So this first 'mech is a flea. I think I did an alright job, considering it's just a box. I chose the flea because I wanted something I could plunge into without scaring myself away in the process, and I'm personally pleased with the result, considering I don't usually "paint".
More to come, probably.
Can't believe I am the first to reply to this post. Very happy to see you tackle design challenges. Design is tough and takes a loooong time to accomplish, with many iterations along the way, IMHO.
You said it. It is a process. Here's a personal critique for you to consider, including some tips I got along the way, namely via PM's with other designers/stylists from the forums.
- shapes are fine and pretty much in the right place (this seems basic but it is one of the most difficult things to achieve).
- 2 tips to augment those volumes: 1) firm up the lines that define volume shapes, 2) one layer for shading and another one for lighter areas as defined by your light source. You've done a bit of that but I just think you can use more affirmed shading.
- I am not sure about those gears and metal frame elements in the middle of the 'Mech. Somehow, they don't seem to integrate well with the rest of the drawing.
If I think of other things, I'll let you know. But it's a great first project. I liked those earlier Urbie drawings you had made last winter and think you should post them too. Looking forward to see more!
>Hawk out.
Edited by Ironhawk, 19 August 2012 - 06:14 AM.