With the YLW i have no issues, simple AC20 build, fun and powerful. The same goes for the CN9-A, using it with 3x LRM5, AC10 and 2 ML, a nice supporter (and kill stealer).
And then there is this CN9-D... I bought it because of speeeed, but i realised it's a promise the mech can't hold.
My biggest problem besides dying to that XL fast is that arm mounted LB-X, at the moment it's "too fast" for me for a good aim (needs some training i think). And besides that, you need to get close. So i swapped it out for UAC5 or AC10 but both didn't do it for me.
So i build more or less a kind of joke build:
And i run up those folks and kill em. And not only one time but over and over again. In my last round, i killed 3 in 6 seconds, all lining up for me
But that was luck i think. I can't get that everytime so i'm looking for the niche where the D is good in and what builds fit that playstyle. I'd like to keep that 300XL, that or a 315XL which i have in my inventory. I see no reason to swap in a STD engine because then you only get a gimped A-Version.
So what to do with it? What's your build of success?