Marmon Rzohr, on 26 July 2013 - 10:22 AM, said:
So yeah, targeting computers ftw and all, but for the targeting computer to have a point it has to be hard to hit something first.
Thats a pilot's problem. They make themselves too easy to hit.
In MW4 I used a Thanatos with 3 (IS) LBX10s and a (IS) Large Laser (config was to meet league standards since I was in an Inner Sphere unit) to take on Daishi's loaded with either 3 LBX20s + 2 LBX10s, or 2-3 Gauss Rifles and ER Large Lasers. I was able to do this because of advanced mobility. Games were played like MWO, 8v8 with no respawn.
MW4 had no targeting computer, but had pinpoint accuracy like we have now. I did just fine, no one complained and piloting skill meant alot. MWO is the same. Most people just are horrible pilots. This is why we have boats. This is why we have snipers.
Players use the easiest thing nowadays and think its the best. 4-6 PPC boats suck, plain and simple. But everyone rages about how OP they are. These issues were never complained about before in previous titles. Then we have players who have the audacity to say its a new generation of gaming. Ok good, go play the new games. MWO is a throw back to the 90s, let the 30-40+ crowd have their game and go on steam and play your own.
You don't see me in the World of Tank Forums or other games and demand that they have pin point accuracy or the other things that the MechWarrior Franchise has always had. I live and let live.
As I've said in other threads, if you read QnA 42 you'd know that they aren't even going to mess with the convergence. Its not possible because of server side detection. What you all want is a single player game. Google Search Blender BattleTech and enjoy yourselves. It has no convergence at all (attacks are determined randomly), and all the weapons are balanced. Have fun. By the end of the year it will even have a single player campaign. There's the fix you all are looking for. Stop trying (futilely) to mess with ours.
This has been in Beta for nearly a year and they haven't indicated they will even think about changing the pin point accuracy, why keep wasting your breaths?