Quincy80, on 28 July 2013 - 07:45 AM, said:
240+ people on the voice server (with many more in the text chat) from 36+ groups. Rough estimates were around 6,000 members between all the groups.
Quincy80, on 28 July 2013 - 07:45 AM, said:
This was deliberate. The goal was to highlight the problems in this town hall. It was stated in the stream.
The point is that we were not really focusing on telling PGI how to make their game, we were pointing out the problems that we see. Another reason this was done was to prevent any divisive proposals that would stop people from signing.
To put a finer point on this -- the goal at this point is to not try and "tell PGI how to make their game" because (a) they have their own design methods and long term plans [at least we hope] and because ( there are a ton of ways to fix many of these problems, and zeroing in on specific suggestions would have taken a lot of time we didn't want to devote for a first meeting.
Instead, the goal here was to validate, to ourselves and everyone else, that there ARE a large set of problems that a lot of groups all agree need to be fixed. Ultimately, we want to use this to bring to PGI's attention what we think are the highest priority issues so that they can consider adjusting their own plans appropriately if these priorities don't match their expectations. Part of the problem everyone has had with "Ghost Heat" is that it's a bad attempt to to fix a problem that a lot of people don't think really matters ("boating") instead of focusing on the real issue (pinpoint alpha, time to live, etc).
PGI is very aware of technical issues, I am sure, and to some degree or another aware of balance issues. But I don't think it's fair to assume that they have omnipotent understanding of high-level balance and meta-game problems, because they don't play competitively, or have the same experience base as some of the much more hardcore players. We know the actual game as well as they do (some of us better) and so the most useful things we can do *as beta testers* is to provide this feedback.
Alois Hammer, on 28 July 2013 - 09:10 AM, said:
Sadly, I'm afraid the fatal flaw in this entire plan is right there for all to see.
And a whopping "600+" people compares to the 3000+ "No 3pv votes" that the devs wrote off as an insignificant minority how?
Seriously, good luck- I hope it works for y'all. But we've seen this sort of thing play out before, and so far it always has the same ending: "We've heard your concerns, and are now going to do whatever we want anyway so thanks for wasting your time again in the vain belief that we give a [REDACTED]."
I understand your pessimism here, but if all you're trying to say is "this is pointless and is going to fail" then you're welcome to leave the thread. The hope here is that 5,000 players speaking together is a much less dismissible voice than 5,000 individuals.