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*tap,tap*.. Is This Thing On? New Player Here - With Some Questions (Inevitably)

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#1 1Sascha


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 02:46 AM

Hiya all,

After having ignored my closed beta invitation/approval for a year now, I just got done downloading MW last night and have been busy dying in trial mechs and my recently purchased Centurion.

Dunno if this is the right place for an introduction, but here goes anyway:

I'm a 43 year old guy (yes, depsite the callsign) from Germany who's been playing BattleTech PC-games ever since MW2 came out in '95 (piloting a pimped out Marauder with my trusty Gravis Phoenix - those were the days).

I've also been heavily involved in MMO-sims (AW2/3, WB, AH, WW2ONL), so MW ONL seemed like a logical choice (well, sort of).

I wouldn't consider myself a total newb, but I still have a ton of questions - most of which I've forgotten just now, so I'll stick with this one:

How does TS work in conjunction with MW? Since there is no real lobby in the game, how do you even team up with the other guys on your team before launch? Maybe I'm missing something here ... do I need to have guys I want to TS with in my MW friends-list?

Forgive me if this has been discussed to death already on here, but looking through all the help-threads and doing some forum searches, I haven't really found an answer to this one.

Thanks for your input and see you out there!



Edited by 1Sascha, 29 July 2013 - 02:48 AM.

#2 Cale MacKenna


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:00 AM

Greetings and welcome to the glory of MWO.

TS3 is great to have, as it can help you find others to group with and hopefully cause some havoc on the battlefield. If you have TS3 already and it seems you are a fan of House Steiner, check out this forum here http://mwomercs.com/...iner-teamspeak/ as it will give you their teamspeak server information and hopefully you can find a group there or possibly even a unit to join.

Good luck Mechwarrior and I'll see you on the battlefield, Hopefully on the same side.

#3 Hennessey


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:04 AM

Welcome, or Wilkommen. or at very least: glad to have you 'back'! There is currently no lobby. UI 2.0 is supposed to have that included, but the release date for that has been pushed further and further along. I think now it's slated for September? There are a lot of TS servers listed on the forums, all unofficial of course, but it's really not too hard to get a group on most of them. Check out the clan recruiting forum for some decent lists. There's also C3, which was supposed to be an integrated comm program, but hasn't received any updates or any love at all for that matter since the game was closed beta back in August of last year. I think C3 is pretty barren now anyway...  As far as your friends list, you will need to add those players if you want to group with them, but that can be sorted out is TS before the drop. Let me know if you can think of any other questions!

Edited by Hennessey, 29 July 2013 - 03:05 AM.

#4 mailin


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:05 AM

After you download TeamSpeak 3, check out Comstar at na1.mech-connect.net the password is WordofBlake. There are lots on that server. My group is down near the bottom I think. -=Black Omen=- Good luck and happy hunting.

#5 warner2


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:05 AM

To address your question directly there is poor support for forming and playing as a team in the game, currently.

There is no in game voice communications. People just use their initiative to get on various community hosted servers and the like. To group up into a 4 man or an 8 man you need a populated friends list. There is no in-game lobby or elsewhere you can to find other players looking for a group Again, the community just has to use it's initiative to group up.

There's plenty of information in these forums if you search around.

#6 Redshift2k5

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:23 AM

Welcome aboard.

My number one advice to new players is don't be afraid to ask questions. There is a lot to learn here, so come on back and ask if you need anything.

As for grouping while using teamspeak?
  • Visit a MWO TS3 server (listings can be found here and elsewhere)
  • Find a group (the large public TS3 servers will have sections for grouping, usually called "dropships")
  • Introduce yourself
  • Add the group leader to your friends list (you don't need to add everyone, only the current leader)
  • Request a group invite
  • Ready up!

#7 Zerberus


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 04:43 AM

The german MWO community also has a TS server, lots of cool and sometimes insane people.


Just conect, join a channel, and ask if they need one more :)

Edited by Zerberus, 29 July 2013 - 04:44 AM.

#8 scJazz


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 05:34 AM

Greetings Sascha,
At the end of this guide there are listings for multiple TS servers. The rest of the guide is valuable as well so you might want to read it.

The game is nearing Launch and with it comes the Lobby system. So sometime in the next few weeks.

#9 Ewigan


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 05:52 AM

Hi Sascha,

schau doch einfach mal in der Deutschen MWO Community vorbei, hier im Forum wohl die größte nicht-englischsprachige.
Da wirst du sicher Antworten auf deine Fragen, sowie diverse Clans finden die gerne auch "Noobs" aufnehmen :)

And for everyone else:

Hi Sascha,
just take a look at the german MWO Community, probably the biggest not-english community here on the forums.
You will surely find answers to your questions, and some clans that would even take "noobs" there ;)

#10 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 06:22 AM

Most of the German players are currently on this server (if not on their own clan/unit servers);

Address: ts3.mwo-mercs.de

Password: y5elfm8s

If you have questions, it would be easiest jo just join one of the channels and ask if they need a player and are OK with helping out a new player (shouldnt be a problem). I would recommend looking for channels with 3 or less players to start off with (Groups in MWO are either restricted to 4 or less players or a full 8 player team), it doesnt matter if it is one of the dropships or one of the Clan/Unit channels. Starting off in the 8 player drops (which are usually more competitive) would be too much for now... but you can keep them in mind for later once you are happy with how you like MWO.

#11 TheArcher


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 06:40 AM

There are step-by-step instructions here:


#12 1Sascha


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 10:47 AM

Thanks for all the replies, guys. I'm still trying to figure this out, but the link posted by TheArcher really clarified it for me. Didn't know you could "group-drop". Still: I do agree that this game needs some kind of lobby system, or - even better - some kind of system to replace the "launch, fight, win/die, launch again"-cycle.

Now all I need is a working login-server... ;)


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