Aiming - Wth?
Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:44 PM
Am I missing something, or have aim-bots already taken over?
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:11 PM
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:19 PM
Fiddle round with those (pretty self-explanatory)(are stored in :MWO/user.cfg)
i_mouse_smooth = 0 <---- smoothes out any mousemovement you make (0/1 toggle)
i_mouse_accel = 0 <---- accelarates any mousemovement (value from 0 to 1; eg: 0.53)
cl_sensitivity = 0.55 <---- self explanatory
Edited by Rad Hanzo, 28 April 2013 - 11:25 PM.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:25 PM
Try a mouse dpi setting of no more than 1800 and try fastest polling rate possible that does not cause fps issues (typically 1000hz)
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:32 PM
The other thing is the bigger the engine, the faster you can turn your torso as well (basically, the faster a mech is, the faster it can turn). Also you can improve this a bit by unlocking the mech efficiencies in the launcher.
The final point is that you might have arm lock on which doesnt let your arm crosshairs move away from your torso crosshairs which also limits your field of fire (However, unlocking the arms also means you have to keep track of 2 separate crosshairs).
Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:33 PM
Meanwhile the assault is dancing ballet around my medium while I am circling (a'la 'carouselle' maneuver which I am very familiar with from countless other PvP games) at full throttle - and tagging me unerringly in the head or engine and I can barely tap the thing filling half of my screen.
And, tagging the motionless silhouette at 750 meters with an ER PPC five times, and seeing 'zero damage' on the after battle table... WTF? Meanwhile his Large laser pretty much cuts an arm off in two unerring shots.
Yeah... *dumpster*
Edited by Blaqwolf, 28 April 2013 - 11:37 PM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:01 AM
I am playing for 28 years now, so I can truthfully say my mouse arm has seen some stuff and did some tricks.
Maybe your mouse is not very good set up for your liking ?
-Which mouse ?
-Which hand ?
-What Kind of seating ?
-Pad or None? Pad of what type ?
-Pad sticky/too slidy ?
-Pad inaccurate ?
-Mouse too twitchy ?
-Mouse too sluggish ?
-Mouse unresponsive ?
-Mouse accuracy overall ?
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:24 AM
I *suck* at fast-twitch FPS games, but I've been playing PvP for the better part of 12 years. Air combat, tanks, ships, 4x, things like that. I'm rather familiar with the behavior of scripts - and I'm seeing that all over MWO with the singularly amazing accuracy at 2k. Multiple salvos from one target, no misses, to the head - from 1-2k.
I saw that when my friends played Counterstrike or their ilk.
I was *hoping* that Hawken or MWO would bridge the gap between adrenal overload and slower, plodding PvP like tanks or ships... but it seems I was wrong. Kids with half millisecond reflexes and 4500dpi mice are out in force... or their scripts.
My mouse is a generic desk mouse - 5 buttons and scroll wheel that works just fine in every other game I play. For me it works fine, but these old hands are not rock solid milti-axis robot arms - the slightest quiver and I'm yards off target (mind you, with all settings at zero and sensativity at 0.5).
But then, every other game I play also lets me adjust the mouse in-game, not forcing me to tinker with config/ini/gobbledygook files in some archived subfolder I have to dig out from beneath five layers and extract.
Rad Hanzo, on 29 April 2013 - 12:01 AM, said:
I am playing for 28 years now, so I can truthfully say my mouse arm has seen some stuff and did some tricks.
Maybe your mouse is not very good set up for your liking ?
-Which mouse ?
-Which hand ?
-What Kind of seating ?
-Pad or None? Pad of what type ?
-Pad sticky/too slidy ?
-Pad inaccurate ?
-Mouse too twitchy ?
-Mouse too sluggish ?
-Mouse unresponsive ?
-Mouse accuracy overall ?
Mouse *accuracy* never sits still - it's always twitching even if I release it. Not much - it's the in-game mech's natural tendancy to float its arms and torso. God forbid my 80 ton assault gets hit with a machinegun, it shakes like a Prius in a hurricane - much less when a missile or PPC hits.
No, I am thoroughly disgusted with the game engine. I played the game from version one on tabletop until FASA stopped publishing. I've still got the books and the figurines I collected 20 years ago. Without digging them out from storage, I can not imagine how an LRM has shorter range than any ER weapon. What they've produced here is a dumbed down counterstrike with fancy eye candy, and the same aim-bots that never miss.
I duck into a tunnel and missiles follow me and cripple me with a salvo or two... but my missiles barely hit, much less scratch, a mech in the open. Yeah... uh huh.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:30 AM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:02 AM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:08 AM
And on the behalf of players using scripts for their firing sequences : ... weaklings, you should be banned for cheating and being incomplete humans .
On Topic:
Crosshairs MUST not twitch inside mech when standing still !
Your mouse seems either to :
-be set to MegaDPI in a try to keep up and gets massively twitchy in the result ?
-catch stray reflections (pad surface wear or surface reflexive qualities)
-its beam is "wandering" : either lens dirty or mounting of laser loose .
Try to ask a neighbour/friend to let you test his mouse and see if it has the same behaviour.
Another thing to maybe look into might be driver sided accelaration.
If you feel like trying a new mouse : I can quite recommend the G9x from Logitech as its comfortable, 5 buttoned(mouse 1/2,mousewheel,thumb1/2), driver´s easy to setup and adjust(5 possible DPI settings from 200 to 5700 DPI) , dpi-switchable on the fly, saves your mouse setups onboard and has a tilt-able mousewheel (which I use for zooming/chainfire toggle/weapongroup indicator move) .
It´s decently durable, too.
Got me a new G9x 4 months ago, after having its predecessor give way after close to 3 years under daily abuse.
Good hunting then, y´all !
Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:08 AM
What 'Mech do you pilot? How fast is it? Do you snipe or brawl? What do your weapon stats look like? Before I'd jump at a specific solution (change mouse settings!), I'd want to know more about the issue as there may be something more fundamental going on if you are struggling.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 03:09 AM
At closer ranges against moving mechs I may have the target in front of me, but my shots pass harmlessly behind them (toward one side of my view or the other) - my latency is on average 80-120ms.
I do use an optical mouse, but I have no way to adjust its DPI which is, I imagine, the only way to focus in on distant targets... but how to do that without the pointer jerking side to side when i'm trying to make small adjustments defies me.
But I'm still getting instaripped by the first mech who crosses my path and never misses a shot even at a full sprint. I'm using the basic free mechs for the most part and a missile trebuchet (where are the old MW standards?? Madcat, Rifleman??).
And I so love how you try to hold behind cover with a full view of the field of fire only to hit the building/hill with one or all of your weapons. PGI seems dead set against the use of cover tactically. Jump jets are so slow you're left hanging there for every return volley from half the battlefield.
Me... I average maybe, if I'm lucky, a paltry 30 damage a round and in 19 battles managed 2 kills almost entirely by luck. Missiles miss entirely 90% of the time and don't do any appreciable damage (0.7 damage/missile on LRM 15??) if they do hit and only two or three in any salvo actually find their target because they vanish almost as soon as they appear.
I prefer a support role, but laughably pointless missiles make that role utterly useless, and the lack of sensativity adjustments makes shooting anything pretty much impossible.
Not that it matters, I can go back to World of Tanks which (despite laughably bad matchmaking) has managed the fine balance between speed and slow that my nerves and shoddy reaction times can handle. MWO will just get binned, like Hawken did (and that one at least has dodge & cover tactics... MWO has no mechanic beyond: find target, slug it out until dead).
Posted 29 April 2013 - 03:21 AM
I also drop my mouse dpi once the round launches.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:04 AM
For some reason Hunchback's crosshairs are messed up and don't point where you are actually aiming.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:15 AM
Blaqwolf, on 28 April 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:
Am I missing something, or have aim-bots already taken over?
Arm lock?
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:31 AM
Blaqwolf, on 29 April 2013 - 03:09 AM, said:
At closer ranges against moving mechs I may have the target in front of me, but my shots pass harmlessly behind them (toward one side of my view or the other) - my latency is on average 80-120ms.
On your first point above. Your crosshair should not jitter at all (not one Milimeter) if you let go of it, no matter how far you are zoomed in. That is why players have been sugesting that therer might be a hardware problem with your mouse itself.
Regarding your missing shots for close/mid rage tagets: You stated that you are using PPCs. This particular weapon is more like a Balistic weapon than any other energy weapon. The PPC you either hits completely or misses completely (unlike a laser where you can still hit if you adjust the aim after you see that the laser is missing slightly after the beam has started)... Please also note, the regular PPC deals less damage to no damage under 80 meters to your target, even if you hit squarely on the mech (only the ERPPC deals full damage in close range, but causes more heat per shot compared to the regular PPC).
Hitting a target while moving fast past it is not as hard as you may think. It is actually easier to hit than the moving target. You just line up your crosshairs to the point where it will be on the mech you are aiming at and wait for the right moment where you pass the mech to shoot. Circling is even easier, as you have your torso pointing the right direction and only need minor adjustments to hit.
Could you pelase also post your mech setup so that we can see what the reason could be that you are dying so easily?
The easiest way to do this is to recreate your mech on the online smurphys site and link it here;
Please also incluse how much armor you have in each section as this is a very important factor.
P. S. if you are piloting a standard mech without any changes you can justu give us the mech type and designation (i. E. stock Hunchback 4G ).
Edited by Rushin Roulette, 29 April 2013 - 04:32 AM.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:44 AM
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:46 AM
Clean the laser part of your mouse, there is a good chance you have a bit of hair or something stuck in there causing the stuttering.
If not then you must be playing with a corded mouse and the cord itself is not properly positioned so it pulls your mouse a bit or there is a hardware problem with it.
There is no other explanation, mine and all of those who i play with sits still in case we don't touch the mouse.
Sensitivity: Experiment with different values, i've found that mine works best with a lower one. 0,3 or less.
Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:55 AM
2) turn down sensitivity in windows (to like 40% or so perhaps)
3) keep turning down sensitivity in the game until it feels right. Don't be afraid to go really low, like .2
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