I would buy a hero spider mech the champion mech on the other hand has no appeal to me. That is to say I'd rather the C-bill boosting Hero mech than the Xp boosting Champion.
Regardless of the Hero loadout, I'd almost certainly purchase one although some things i'd like to see in the hero spider mech would be;
1st option. 6 x MG's + 1-2 Energy slots or something including all 3 weapon types.
2nd option. 1-2 slots for SRM / Narc or small LRM (not that id use LRM) + energy slots
3rd option. Energy slots on 3+ locations, ie left arm + center torso + right arm or head to spread its damage capability
4th option. ECM spider with any of the above options included, with reduced jump jet slots to keep balance. say up to 4 or 6.
5th option. A paint job that is functional, logical and anti disco. ie, suggests sneakyness and stealth. including camo or military style scout theme.
6th and probably most controvercial option would be to give the spider extra tonnage. You would only have to add 1-5 tonns to make a world of difference and a very interesting mech. Perhaps a tad more armor?, perhaps a few extra rounds for those MG's. A heavier set of lasers? So many options, very exciting idea in my books.
Finally give it a name something along the lines of firewasp, hornet or horsefly.
I'd happily put down 1800-3000 MC for one. I've already purchased a Muromets and the loose change MC could be snatched up in this area instead of uneeded mech slots or other MC items.
Spiders are a lot of fun to play and a great mech for beginners learning the game. This could be a great seller for MWO.
What are your thoughts? What would you like to see in a spider mech? An XL 280 perhaps? Push the 160 km/h+ mark?
Edited by Arcani, 13 October 2013 - 10:40 PM.