Larius, on 10 August 2013 - 12:11 AM, said:
Congratulations OP, you just met the first person that likes this map - me! The point of having many maps is variety, not only in scenery but in also gameplay. Yes we need more maps that are very bad for slow heavy mechs with sniper weapons. Just like we need other kinds as well that are designed for other playstyles. There should never be a mech or build that's good for all scenarios, take risks and when you end up on map that doesn't favor your selection - learn, adapt and overcome.
The big problem for this map is that it doesn't favor ANY mech. If fights happen, even my Cicada has a hard time getting around to flank before half my team is dead. The only way that doesn't happen is if both teams poptart the middle ground so that means half their team sees me and open fire on me. In a map like River City, you get the time to maneuver around and contribute. This map doesn't support anything like that.