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How Do I Get The Centurion To Suck Less?

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Posted 12 August 2013 - 01:41 PM

Interesting.... cause for me the Yen Lo Wang ( Ac20 and 2 MDL ) is my best performing mech of all my mechs. Mainly cause it survives so well after getting stripped of most armor. Cents are hated and feared for their ability to zombie and take alot of damage. That's why most aim for the legs on the Cents. I've seen groups run Cents as distraction mechs and then the Assaults and Heavies roll in and clean up the distracted enemies.

I think your running into a tactics thing and getting use to what the Cent can and cannot do. Like for me, I suck with Assaults. Dunno why but I do. Might not be the same for you. The builds listed above are what many run for Centurions. I use to have the other variants but sold them when they nerfed the SRMS so badly. Now that SRMs are not so terrible I wish I had them back. I will tell you one thing...from what I have seen it's 10 times more survivable than that Golden Boy.

#22 Febrosian R Gillingham


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 01:45 PM

Its definitely boring at times unless your team has multiple brawlers or it is later in the fight and teams are finally in a position to push on each other. But once youre in the fight, its one of the most fun and effective mechs to play.

Basically your role is to tank a few hits and cause havoc. Cents usually should go first into the fight, as long as they are closely followed by the bigger mechs. Get behind enemy heavies and assaults and get them to turn so your team gets better shots, or just core out the enemy from behind. Keep moving, but make sure you always stay within support range of the rest of your team. The key is to always lead with your right shoulder to soak hits, since the entire right side of your body is a shield. Protect your CT and left torso as best you can, and be wary of being legged. When done right, its pretty common for a cent to survive a round with 25% remaining health or less

Really the cent's biggest bane are lights, since SRM's are short ranged and unreliable for hitting fast mechs, and its relatively easy for a light to leg you. Just play to your strengths - short ranged brawling and damage mitigation through torso twisting- and you'll be fine.

Good luck :3

Edited by Febrosian R Gillingham, 12 August 2013 - 01:47 PM.

#23 aniviron


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 02:31 PM

View PostSable Dove, on 12 August 2013 - 12:53 PM, said:

It's been much more effective, but it relies on teams getting into close ranges, and most of my matches end up with at least 10 mechs a side lining up at 600-800m and sniping with ERPPCs and LRMs, so it can be kinda boring at times.

This part is, unfortunately, true for most brawler (close range mechs with lots of staying power) setups right now. Stick with your team and chase away the lights and other ankle biters until most of the long range combat is done, and when they're in shreds, you will be able to close with a few teammates and clean up. It takes a lot of patience, is all.

#24 Elizander


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:00 PM

SRM6+Artemis is about the most dangerous weapon you can pack. Even if it's just 2, it's well worth it. Turn, fire, twist, repeat. I do not use the lasers much if I'm getting hit because it exposes my CT for too long.

View PostSable Dove, on 12 August 2013 - 12:53 PM, said:

Alright. Took some advice, and stopped being too aggressive. Also, kept the missile doors open (I have to zoom in and use free-look to actually see the colour of that light).

Basically I ignore the right arm weapon and just do the 2 ML, 2/3 SRM6 builds, although on the AL I use 4xSPL because I find it more effective on lights, which are incredibly annoying lately.

It's been much more effective, but it relies on teams getting into close ranges, and most of my matches end up with at least 10 mechs a side lining up at 600-800m and sniping with ERPPCs and LRMs, so it can be kinda boring at times.

Try to plug in an AMS and stick to your snipers while hiding. You can at least help out by providing AMS cover while waiting for the eventual brawl to happen. The good part about this tactic is that by the time mechs close in they are injured, giving you a good chance to get some quick kills.

#25 Nauht


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:04 PM

View PostVagGR, on 12 August 2013 - 05:32 AM, said:

one of the best mechs in game, i have 5 of them. and im not talking about the 6srm6 cheese never used it...maybe its just not for you though...if you are having such a hard time maybe try a hunchie...

If you want a real challenge.

Proper hitboxes, nice big bullseye target, slower and even less (1 energy) zombie potential.

Cents have it easy compared to hunchies.

#26 stjobe


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:36 PM

Just yesterday I saw a Cent with 7% health score a kill.

Seven percent.

I don't think I've ever seen a 'mech that badly beat-up and still fighting, still killing.

The Cent's a trooper, make no mistake.

I have about 800 drops in CN9s, and I've never felt them to be lacking - not even when I ran my "almost-stock" AC/10, ALRM-10 CN9-A variant. A Cent can do just about anything with just a change of loadout. It can be long-range direct-fire support with ACs, PPCs, or LLs, it can be long-range indirect support with a couple of LRMs, it can be a medium-range brawler, it can be a pure brawler, it can be a light-killer. It can be anything. It's a true medium 'mech.

Also, for those complaining about its hitboxes being broken - they're not. It's just the way the damage-transfer system works, and it works the same for every 'mech. The only difference is that the Cent has quite large arm debris left when an arm gets shot off, rather large side-torsos, and a really skinny CT, so most shots hit either the side torso and only transfer 50% to the CT, or the arm debris and only transfer 25% to the CT. But the mechanic is the same as for every other 'mech, and according to PGI it works the way they want it to work.

#27 Vasili


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 05:29 PM

my CN9 is an lb10x, 2 ml, 2 ssrm2, and ams. 107 kph and last I checked it was one of my better performing chassis. It's all in how you play it. Fantastic chassis. It's the only mech I bought back after closed beta.

#28 Urdnot Mau


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 05:37 PM

I love my centurion sz Lately i've been using 4 srm 4s, 2 M.lasers and 1 ac 2. STD 260 is a pretty decent engine. 1 AC 2 ammo and 3 SRM ammo (maybe 2) All upgrades except artemis. I can do very well with it.

Basically: you can't fight anybody that is already damaged. Focusing on weak parts is priority. Not leaving you team mates is a must and you can't be the center of atentions. You are purely a brawler: most of your damage is on that left torso and they can be very (very) effective at very close range (within 100m). When fighting heavy snipers you have to stay beside them, you don't wanna give them a chance to alpha you if you can't alpha them back. It's very important for you to not take enemies very fast, you have to focus on torsos (unless the CT is next to opening) Highlander,Cataphracts> Right torso. They have like 75-100% of their weaponry there and some even use an XL. Use cover A LOT and don't peek over hills unless they didn't see you there before.

ALT build: 3 SRM 6 or 3 SRM 4+Artemis (you can keep the AC 2). I have no idea how SRM 4+ Artemis is working right now, but they might be good. For this build you'll need an XL engine, wich i don't really like. If you use an XL, it gotta be the biggest. Also, you have to use your arms even more. Both of them.

Finally you can try an Ac 10. It's remarkebly effective and you even have some mid-range damage. If you use an XL you can add 1 SRM 6 and 1 SRM 4 and still have about 4 tons of AC 10 ammo. Note that you're not a sniper and it doesn't matter what weapon you've got you can't fight against PPC+Gauss builds.

Last words: This mech does not suck. It's absolutly better than the hunchback chassis and i'm still trying to decide if it's better than the TBT-7K (BTW i advise you to buy it. It's kinda similar to the Cents, but you can have different weapons on it like Large lasers, LPL, PPCs, AC 20 , but you can only use SRM 2s). Give it 30 rounds 'till you get the hang of it and you'll love it if you like a versatile and effective mech.

Edited by Urdnot Mau, 12 August 2013 - 05:42 PM.

#29 YueFei


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 07:25 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 12 August 2013 - 05:20 AM, said:

360 Target Rentention only retains info if the mech is within 200m... you're thinking of Target Decay, which is a lot more useful for that.

Investing in Seismic also helps, especially since Cents usually engage at short range...

I'm not talking about target decay, I'm talking about a sharp turning fight at close quarters without breaks in LOS.

He mentioned that he's getting shot in the face when he twists back to shoot. Basically it means he's twisting to face the target when the target still has guns pointed at him. The only time you can realistically run rings around a heavy is very very close range, so less than 200 meters. Seismic shows you positioning, but not orientation. That's the key. If you have target lock at all times, you will easily see on the minimap which way the enemy mech is facing, and you'll know when you're in the enemy's rear arc. That's when it's safe to twist back to shoot. Then as the enemy reverses their turn or changes maneuvers to get you in their sights again, you twist away. The 360 target retention lets you see exactly where the enemy is and which way he is facing, so you know when you've once again successfully cleared his firing arc and it's safe to twist back to face him again.

#30 BR0WN_H0RN3T


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 02:49 AM

The other thing to remember is that if you're circling a heavier mech with instant dmg potential, like a victor with 2ppc/gauss, and u notice he hasn't fired, it's because he's waiting for you to turn and shoot him so he can alpha you right in the chest. I must say, the current ppc/gauss meta is making it especially hard for CN9s to prove themselves. I hope this changes.

#31 TheLightHorseman


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 05:30 PM

The build that I am going to try out is this:


It has twin flamers to shut down an enemy mech, and twin RAC-2's to polish them off.

#32 ImperialKnight


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 06:36 PM

#33 Metus regem


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 06:50 PM

View PostPhasmidus, on 09 August 2017 - 05:30 PM, said:

The build that I am going to try out is this:


It has twin flamers to shut down an enemy mech, and twin RAC-2's to polish them off.

Posted Image

Dude, the post above yours was 1,459 days ago....

That being said, these have become gold star units for me:



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