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Cat Or Jager?

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#1 Sojo


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 02:41 PM

I've just started playing here recently and have been piloting a CN9-A. I'm actually enjoying it but have saved up for another mech and before I do the elite grind on the Cent I was thinking I should try a heavy out. Would like to see how a modified heavy works feels. I also have a JR7-D(S) coming so will have a 300xl to play with if needed.

From the advice of another thread and with the research I've done this weekend I've narrowed it down to the Catapult or the Jagermech. I'm looking for variants of one of these two mechs that are decent skirmish or brawlers. I don't have much experience with ballistics but after watching some vids I might enjoy them as much as lasers, won't know until I grab one. Really enjoy lasers for the most part. I'd rather not be in the back as a missle boat, if I'm going long range I think I'd prefer sniping. Haven't played with JJ yet so have no idea if the tradeoff for them is worth it when comparing the two. I almost grabbed the JM6-A but every thread I've read say great things about the K2.

I've checked out alot of builds and videos I was basically wondering what the in-game differences between them are and which is worth it more in the long run to master. Which excels as a skirmish/brawler? Do they both have various builds so I get the most out of different playstyles? Which of the two has a better laser setup? Are the alpha's comparible or does the Cat really take the lead here?

Any help is appreciated!

#2 Genewen


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 02:53 PM

You have to keep in mind that you will have to play three variants of the same mech to unlock its full potential. The Catapult only offers ballistic slots on the K2, while all the Jagers have them. Sure, you can brawl with SRMs too. It's also fun. But if ballistics is what you want to play, go for the Jagers.

#3 LauLiao


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 03:08 PM

Yeah if you want a brawler you'll have more luck with the Jager. The K2 Cat, can brawl, and you can outfit most with SRMs to make them "brawlers" but I find that the geometry on the Cats make them a little vulnerable. Giant torsos with tiny arms that don't cover much of it make for easy targets. Plus you'll just have more brawling options with the Jager.

#4 Roosterfish


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 03:25 PM

From what you've said here Sojo I think you'll enjoy the Jager more.

The Cats are basically missle boats except for the K2. You can make a C1 into a laser boat but it'll still need to use the 2 pods in the ears for missles for that extra killing punch.

Cats are pretty much cockpits with a center torso. You will get head shotted more than other mechs and most of your deaths will be center cores. You can go faster than most other heavies because you'll more than likely have a xl engine. I've never been legged on my Cats even with the jumping missle boats.

I've mastered all 4 Cats and enjoyed them all. Just remember the part about head shots and center torsos before you get into them.

PS-If you do get into Cats never look down on other mechs from a height, if the mech pilot you're looking down has any targeting skills at all you will be dead or piloting a convertable.

Edited by Roosterfish, 12 August 2013 - 03:31 PM.

#5 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:15 PM

The XL 300 can work nicely in various Cat builds and even some Jager builds, and it's safe enough in Cats due to how the hitboxes are setup for them, not so much in Jagers, which are more vulnerable. And Cats are very easy to head shot.

The K2 is a fine mech, but it does not have JJs. Not sure what build to recommend, you can stick with the PPCs, or stick in a larger set of ballistics, such as the UAC/5 (and when it jams you twist to protect yourself) or go even bigger with Gauss or AC/20s. The other variants you can load up with SRMs if don't want to use LRMs, where the can still be okay strikers/skirmishers. I wouldn't recommend brawling with Cats, but they can still tear an enemy up.

I've even seen some run around with PPCs on the C1, but a build like this can work too, just gotta setup three weapon groups (one for MLs, one for LLs and one for SRMs could be a good start) to manage the heat.

The C4 can run with 4 SRMs, but the two energy hardpoints in the CT limits the choices there. And with the new Heat Scale Penalty you need to divide the SRMs into different groups (Left Arm, Right Arm, and CT MPL can work) I did not run an A1.

The Jager, can use XLs, but is far more vulnerable due to how large the side torsos are and the inability to use your arms to protect them. They are best setup as a Sniper since you can effectively use most cover on any map due to how high the arms are.
And you could run them as a long/mid range skirmisher too. The JM6-A can make use of missiles for a nice burst of damage.

The DD can be tricky to impractical to use all ballistic hardpoints, but I'm running one with two LB 10-X AC, 4 MG's, and 2 MLs; but it needs to be with 120 Meters to do full damage with the MG's and to have as many LB pellets to land on target and you need to watch your MLs due to heat. It works from the incredible DPS it outputs, but it can be vulnerable due to the need to close in and face hug.

With the JM6-S, not sure what's a good build, 4 AC/2 works fine, or two AC/10. Or go for dual Gauss or AC/20. I didn't like those and if felt to easy with those two AC/20, but I doubt the Heat Scale penalty on the AC/20s will be that much of a problem if shots are spaced 0.5 seconds apart. And if you're up to it, you can tryout another type of FaceHugger build.

Hope the ideas help a bit.

Edit: I forgot about the Firebrand. I've seen some run the Gauss PPC sniper, dual AC/10, Gauss, AC/20 builds. I guess you can also put LLs in the arms with smaller ballistics also, but I haven't run one yet to say more.

Edited by Praetor Shepard, 12 August 2013 - 04:26 PM.

#6 Sojo


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:16 PM

Thanks for the info guys. Yeah, I was leaning towards the Jager. For some reason I'm more interested in those. I made another thread a few days back and got some really solid advice on K2 options but forgot to put Jager in the comparison. I was contemplating putting the 300xl engine I'm getting with the Sarah Jenner in the K2 + the JJ options for the other Cats when I work on eliting them but I can always grab a K2 down the road if I'm still interested. Do either the Cata or Jager have great setups for Laser heavy builds? Noticed a couple models have 4 Hard points on them.

One more quick question: Which model would be best to start with? I'm about a million short for the DD and I'd have to get DHS. Is it worth it to wait and grind out the 2.5mil or would a model S or A be worth grabbing now? I'm almost thinking that getting hte A or S is the best move and grabbing a xl265 with some C-Bills down the road instead of getting a DD with stock xl260.

Thanks again for the help!

Edit: Doh, posted that at the same time as myself Praetor Shepard! Thanks for the great breakdown of each model. Really helps out. Going to look over them and make a decision here soon!

Edited by Sojo, 12 August 2013 - 04:39 PM.

#7 Sojo


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 04:36 PM

Yeah Praetor if I ever do get a Hero mech, that Firebrand looks like it would be the mech I get. Not planning on it for a very long time and only if it goes on sale but if I dig the Jagers and decide to master them then that Firebrand will probably get bought :D Its the only hero besides the YLW that I have any interest in really.

#8 Royalewithcheese


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 05:14 PM

The S is probably the strongest Jager, the A gives you the most flexibility (you can run AC/40, SRMs/Lasers, LRMs, UAC/5s, whatever). They're all very close, though :D

Incidentally, if you're thinking of going AC/20 + AC/20 (lots of fun, highly recommend), XL300 is an amazing engine for that build, and there's a bunch of ways you can build it around that engine. If you do go that route, chainfiring will keep your heat down and groupfiring will do massive damage but generate extra heat.

#9 Glitter Bomb


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 05:39 PM

As a newer player too Sojo I was kind of in the same spot as you in deciding what variant to get and what would be a "better" variant. However, if you have to play 3 different chassis to get master xp and unless you plan on buying a firebrand you'll have to end up playing them all eventually anyway. I know I don't have the most expert advice or experience but I don't think you would go wrong getting any of them and working up to the fancy toys. Then you can get a feel for the Jagger and the skills you develop from the bottom will just help you when you start getting the good stuff. :D

*Edited for horrific grammar.

Edited by Dark Glamour, 12 August 2013 - 05:45 PM.

#10 Sojo


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 06:05 PM

I agree Dark Glamour, think I'm going to go with the A or S model to see if Jager is a good fit then go from there!

And thanks for all the suggestions Royalewithcheese, looking over the other Jager threads to see what would work best in the A or S!

#11 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 01:55 PM

Cool, glad we could help.

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