General In Game Suggestions
Started by Docta Pain, Aug 15 2013 11:10 AM
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Posted 15 August 2013 - 11:10 AM
1) have a way to toggle the startup sequence video off/on or just enable TAB to view team info. Startup sequence gets old, team info is different each match. 2) On Conquest instead of having all bases on compass be the same icon, have letters in the boxes instead, an E for Epsilon, etc. 3) In the End of Match screen have a Gold Star beside the names of the enemies you killed / a Silver Star next to the enemies you assisted killing, and a Skull & Crossbones next to the enemy name that killed you, and the letter designation they had in game (A) by who was Alpha... 4) While In-Game, pressing TAB shows the info from #3. 5) Would be good if when a kill is made the sentence reads "Docta Pain has killed The Enemy (
" so everyone on the team would know that "B"/"Bravo" was down.
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