Sprouticus, on 13 August 2013 - 10:25 AM, said:
you angry bro?
Seriously, you are reacting to a system we DONT EVEN HAVE DETAILS ON.
Maybe it will be as kludgy as the heat system (which I dont hate but think it not very elegant or intuitive), maybe it will be better. Instead of going off half cocked, why dont you want and see?
Oh! so you decided to speak! Thank you. And that is my point. THERE IS NO CONVERGENCE SYSTEM IN PLACE.
Is there supposed to be? Based on your updated comment and Homeless Bill's actual intelligent comment, I assume PGI said somewhere that convergence will come into play sometime in the future when they figure out how to actually make Cryengine 3 work as well as game engines 10 years older? Including Advanced Zoom and SLI support, and having more than 24 players in a match, and etc....
If so great. Then why not state as much.
PGI: "Hey, we realize that heat modified penalties are not the best solution, and dy-syncing (force chain fire) weapons really breaks canon and advanced zoom (picture in picture) in Cryengine 3 breaks ...well, the engine...these are only temporary and once we figure out how to fix HSR and hitboxes we will implement true weapons convergence and actually make the pilot skill useful and then at that time will undo all the horrible fixes we have put in place to account for the lack of either the game engine or our experience with it."
Was that so hard?
Taemien, on 13 August 2013 - 10:31 AM, said:
Alpha strike is not being removed from the game. You can still load up all weapons into a single firing group, get up in someone's face and ruin their day. Its supposed to be a last ditch effort to destroy an opponent.
It was never meant to be done over and over and over. This is an abuse of customized mechs that translated from TT, which is also why I limit my games in TT to be stock only.
So they are just hurting boating builds. Which with the hardpoint system, are gimped builds anyway. It forces players to configure their mechs and play in a smarter way. And because mechs will be of more mixed loadouts, there won't be any cookie cutter builds, or at least a reduction in their must have quality.
Convergence isn't possible. Read the other QnAs. Hit detection is done via the server. Hit detection with convergence (a relatively unpredictable thing by the server to client and vice versa) causes unpredictable desynchs and a myriad of other issues (blame CryEngine netcode if you want to blame something). They may be able to remedy this, but it would take an overhaul of the entire system, an overhaul they just don't have time to do.
In otherwords don't hold your breath for this in MWO. Perhaps MW5 or MW6 will have it. What we have for convergence is what is here to stay. We'll probably see LAMs, Quads, and HAGs before convergence changes. By then we'll be playing MW7.
Thank you for that. I will look into that and read it.
Rasako, on 13 August 2013 - 10:32 AM, said:
this is just an all-time low of manchildish behavior, when are you people just going to grow the hell up?
i'm sorry? Who the heck are you directing that comment to? What man-child?
I'm trying to understand why the weird fixes; instead of addressing the problem head on. Only looking for answers, sir. Not mindless retorts from folks who have nothing to contribute to the discussion. Please move to another thread unless you have some links, knowledge or advice on this issue.
Grow up?
What does "grow up" even mean in regards to this topic? That I should accept that fact that it's broken and just be happy? LOL. I have been here playing and posting for over a year and have been a staunch defender of ALL THAT IS PGI. Good and bad. But this "de-syncing" issue made me see the emperor has no clothes. So, tell me exactly what is the "grown up" position on current game mechanics and weapon balance?
I eagerly await your reply.
Edited by BlackWidow, 13 August 2013 - 10:41 AM.