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I Have Been Away For Almost A Year What Have I Missed

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#1 IceLom


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 08:51 PM

Hello, i have been away form this game for personal reasons and have no idea what has changed and been updated in this time.

Also, i had some premium time that i assumed would go live with the beta going open? would that be all gone or will it start when i first login? (client is downloading as we speak)

Thank you.

#2 Wootus


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 09:18 PM

Welcome back! I've also been away for a while but just started again recently. As far as I can tell what's new is:

It's 12 v 12 now.

There's lances.

Couple of new maps: Terra Therma and Tourmaline Desert (maybe more)

New mechs

C Bills earnings have been reduced.

I'm sure there's more that I've missed but others will probably fill you in/correct any mistakes above. Happy hunting!

#3 Y2kHippy


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 09:18 PM

Ok some basics while ignoreing the new mechs and maps

- Knock Down is not in the game.
-ECM mechs hide target detection, this can be countered by a friendly ECM switched to Counter mode or BAP for your personal Mech
- Moving up hills slow down speed, with the heavier the Mech the slower you get. Light Mechs are generally unaffected.
- Engines are now limited in Mechs. You cannot place any engine in any Mech you want.
- Hero Mechs are a special variant that generally has a special skin that allows for more C-Bills to be earned but can can only be purchased by MC
- Heat management has taken a massive hit recently with firing multiple PPC's or LL increasing heat dramatically. You should read the write up about this as its to complex to not here. In short DONT FIRE 6 PPC's or you will die.
- If you shut down due to heat you will start causeing damage to your internals.
- Stream Missiles spread out and hit the entire enemy Mech not just focusing on the center.
- Thermal vision has been revamped to a grey scale that is now useless at distance. This stopped scouts useing thermal vision as a scouting tool.
- 12 verse 12 games are now live. The matches are no longer 8 verse 8 and this is only very recent. The 12 verse 12 community is not as common as the 8 verse 8 matches in the closed beta.
- A new game type Conquest that is a control point style game and there is a Training Zone that allows you to try a Mech in a map of your choosing.

There is a massive list of other tweaks but these are the many many more people could help with I am sure

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