Khobai, on 17 August 2013 - 07:53 PM, said:
The shape of all the mechs is known though, its on the phoenix mech page. None of them really have especially well-placed hardpoints. The battlemaster isnt outdoing the stalker anytime soon. The thunderbolt is pretty much just a way worse quickdraw. The shadowhawk has potential, since its kindve like a centurion with jumpjets, but if the scaling is even the slightest bit off on it itll be about as useful as a Kintaro. And lastly I think we all agree the Locust is gonna be totally useless, especially if it cant even outrun a Jenner.
Yes we can look at the mechs but we all know that the concept art and the in game model alot of times don't look quite the same. Also while we can generalize what we think the hitboxes are going to be like, we don't know for sure. Lastly, it isn't until you get them into a match that you really know how they will perform. Take the Quickdraw for example, just by looking at it you would think that it has fairly vulnerable side torsos making it hard to run a XL on it. However for whatever reason, I have only had my side torso blown out like half a dozen times in over 200 matches. Another example is the skinny torso on the Centurion combined with the damage model for the arms which work to protect the side and center torso even after the arm is destroyed.
These sort of factors can't be accounted for until actual field testing and can have a huge effect on if a mech is good or not. This is why I say it might be possible for the missile variant of the Battlemaster to take a Stalkers place. It is the same weight, has about the same amount and type of hardpoints without the huge side torsos that make using an XL sucide in a Stalker. It also has fully articulated arms and will likely have a better torso twist range eliminating one of the most major weaknesses that a Stalker has.
Picture a Battlemaster running Quad SRM6s + Artemis, Dual ER PPCs and Dual MLs + 16 DHS + mounting a big XL capable of getting speeds up into the 70-75 KPH range without it being sucide and I think you have a contender as a replacement for a Stalker.
Anyway, we just won't know how good or bad these mechs will be till we get them into matches and aside from a few cases, hardpoints aren't going to be what makes or breaks them, size and shape is.