Part 4:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1:
Part 3 - Thunderbolt
“Boomer, Flashfire, Crocker, Hook set.” Alysen “Gypsy” Roberts said.
Thomas “Flashfire” Winters rolled his throttle to max and the newly formed Ice and snow cracked, shattered sloughed off as his massive 65 ton Thunderbolt awoke from its dormant hibernation and lurched forward.
After several steps Winters walked out from behind the frozen building he was using as cover and brought the T-bolt to a standstill as he had a perfect line of sight to his target.
Gypsy set them up perfectly, the enemy Battlemaster had its rear torso facing directly at them.
Ahead Boomer’s Highlander cleared cover as well using his jumpjets to land on the remains of a frozen ruined building. Winters trusted that Crocker behind them was equally set up with a clear firing lane.
Winters opened up with everything.
Most of the LRM’s went shy as the Battlemaster was a bit under their minimum range but the 3 medium lasers, SRM2 and machineguns all scored direct hits on the mechs left rear torso followed up by the Thunderbolts impressive Sunglow Type II Large laser liquefying armor off the Battlemaster’s right arm.
Sweat beaded on Winters forehead as the temperature rose in the cockpit as the T-bolts heat sinks struggled to control the waste heat. The range was long but Winters held down the firing stud sending machinegun rounds down range on target as the rest of the lance opened up.
Boomer’s 2 mediums and SRM 6 from his 90 ton Highlander seemed almost trivial compared to the spectacular results of his Gauss rifle round slamming into the right rear torso of the Battlemaster in a shower of sparks, metal and fire.
Though Crocker’s Blackjack was probably out of range for his medium lasers he was still able to use the Blackjack’s signature Whirlwind AC2’s to send 40mm shells slamming into the Battlemaster peeling more armor and internal structure from the Battlemaster.
Under the constant barrage the Battlemaster’s cored rear torso vomited red smoke and fire which meant they were sure to have bagged one or more of the Battlemasters heat sinks possibly an engine hit.
The Battlemaster shuddered and seem to sway drunkenly.
That’s a Gyro hit!

Winters triggered his Trio of Medium Lasers sending 3 beams of searing energy into ruin of the Battlemasters Torso raising the temperature even more in the cockpit.
Still the Battlemaster stood.
“K2 –Pult back here” yelled Gypsy on coms over the sound of machinegun fire “I’ll try and keep it busy”
Winters triggered the SRM2 sending 2 short range missiles spiraling into the Battlemaster and continued to lay down a steady stream of machinegun rounds.
Still the Battemaster stood.
“What does it take to kill you!” thought Winters “Just die!”
Winters was about to risk shutdown by triggering his Sunglow Large lasers when a Hunchback materialized out of the inky black and red smoke and triggered it’s massive cannon.
Winters tasted copper as he was slammed against his restraints as the entire T-bolt was rocked. Winters had the presence of mind to feather reverse and take a few steps back to counter the violent impact or risk tumbling over.
Still the Battlemaster stood.
The Hunchback intersected itself between Boomers line of fire and took a gauss round to center mass meant for the Battlemaster which also spoiled Boomer’s aim and causing both mediums and SRM6 to go wide only lightly raking the Hunchback. The Hunchback retaliated with 2 medium lasers of its own melting some of Boomers left leg armor.
Warning Klaxon’s blazed as Incoming LRM’s arced up from the from the distance followed by a ballistic shell that detonated so close to Winters cockpit that it polarized the view. Blind, Winters let loose with another salvo of the SRM2’s and 2 medium lasers just using his sensors and pulled the Thunder bolt Back to interpose a building between himself and the incoming missiles that exploded harmlessly against the building.
“K2 isnt taking the bait!” said Gyspy “Finish that Big boy or we’ve got a world of fight on our hands”
Winters stepped back out to not only find the Battlemaster was still alive but managed to recover and turn his mech around and interpose his almost mint front armor.
“Flashfire set up a rolling retreat” Boomer said over voice coms “I am pulling bac---keee-a”
Winters screen polarized again as Boomers Highlander caught the combined weight of the Battlemaster, Hunchback and Catapult’s weapons and disintegrated in an explosion of fire and fury as his SRM ammo bin was compromised.
It was unlikely the he survived.
Command fell to Winters.
Two medium lasers scorched by snapping Winters out of his shock.
“Boomers down!” he called out pushing his Thunderbolt forward cutting lose with the Large laser raking both the Hunchback and the Battlemaster. “Gypsy I am going need you to finish what you started with that Master, I’ll hold their attention!”
“Hawk all over me!” Yelled Gyspy over staccato machine gun bursts “This guy is good Flash I can’t get away”
Winters reversed his Tbolt stepping behind a frozen structure just as a Massive Autocannon shell clipped his arm nearly taking it off. Behind cover he spared a moment to consult the Battlegrid.
Pull him G-Line” Said Winters “Crocker pull back and set up a fire line, once Gyspy brings him to you suppress him and keep him occupied! We are only going to get one shot at this, no second chances. Either way both of you book it to rendezvous Able Mica Foxtrot”
Winters saw his heat scale was back in the green band and stepped back out from cover.
“I’ll hold the line”
Edited by Carrioncrows, 21 September 2013 - 04:48 AM.