Team Leader, on 20 August 2013 - 01:06 AM, said:
Maybe the name should be changed. "save" implies that the game is dead or dying or going downhill fast. This is a turn off to new players and bad press for PGI. I can see why they would ignore the requests made by the movement without a second thought. I propose #improveMWO be the new moniker. This is a more positive connotation and would be more likely to garner attention and response.
Perception is important, I agree, which is why I believe the name
is appropriate
at this point in time.
#saveMWO is an expression of the depth of the concern "we" currently have with respect to the future of the game. A point I would like to re-iterate is that the "leaders" within the #saveMWO community are all
extremely experienced gamers.
Personally, I've been playing video games for over 25 years, about 20 of which have been on the PC. Now, this doesn't mean I know everything or that I'm always right but, it does mean that I have seen A LOT of games come and go. I've seen great games that never got the mass following/recognition/sales they deserve (System Shock 2), I've seen games come with HUGE amounts of hype and then fall flat on their faces when they are launched (Daikatana, anyone?).
All I and many of the other people involved in #saveMWO are doing, is drawing on our experience, both of MechWarrior games, many simulator/FPS titles and other online games we've played. We're then asking ourselves "How does MWO stack up?" and then "Based on that, how do we expect MWO to perform commercially after launch?".
Almost everyone involved in #saveMWO has
very negative answers to both those questions and our conclusion is that MWO is in
serious danger of going the way of games like Diakatana or the dozens of other online games that don't attract enough of a loyal,
paying, player base in order to survive in the medium to long term.
This is a problem for us, because
we all love BattleTech and MechWarrior. We've waited over a decade for this MW title and we don't want to have to wait
another decade, because MWO was a commercial flop.
Now, on the issue of bad press... well, this is something you can't hide from. When the press get hold of the game, they will say what they will say. If MWO gets bad press and people don't play at all
or people play and think the game stinks and stop playing, the net result will be the same: people not playing MWO.
Now, some people think that we're wrong and that MWO is great and doesn't need to change. As many have said before, that's great, come and participate! We both
want and
need people with considered opinions to challenge us and keep us honest (intellectually).
Finally, we are not planning some sort of "take over". This is the Internet, not turn-of-the-century Russia FFS! We're not going to be "storming the barricades" at PGI/IGP's offices and start "executing the oppressors for their crimes against the proletariat". We're not
trying to
dictate to PGI/IGP how to implement feature X or weapon Y, we're saying "this is what we think the problem is, this is our opinion on the best way to fix it" or "here are the
options for fixing it that we think will work".
We will only, only ever have the power that PGI/IGP deem to grant us.
I hope, very much, that we will change to #improveMWO as quickly as possible, but right now, we're still in #saveMWO territory.