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3Pv Lies: What If It's A Test.

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#1 Morang


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:24 PM

Observing PGI implementation of mixed 1PV/3PV queue w/o hardcore mode (which was postponed indfinitely) and keeping in mind multiple statements that "forum polls and discussions do not represent the playerbase well", I guess if this spit in our faces could be a sort of survey. With 3PV being implemented in a way so bad (no promised separate queues and no deadline for them, 3PV on by default, legs not visible and not helping to understand torso twist etc... I guess that even binding switch to F4 by default is close to trolling, everybody knows the joke about Alt-F4) I suppose that the devs are trying to determine how hard will obvious insult of the majority of active forum users actually hit online numbers to better understand corellations between forum users and current playerbase as a whole. There can be other rational causes, but I think that my suggestion is far from impossible.

So I carefully guess that in this case community's attempt to influence online count by boycotting the game could bear fruits. I wasn't playing much anyway because of many causes (most of all because of no CW being implemented), and I'm going to cease playing for now because of disabled hardcore mode anyway. It was (and in part is) just because I have other things to do and better games to play and truly dislike being in mixed queue, not for show. Yet I think that for those concerned it can be a good decision to stop playing for a while now, at least until launch and/or clarification of devs' plans on 3PV.

Edited - sorry, posted a wrong link (though related).

Russ Bullock possibly confirming my thoughts on Twitter: "give it a week and let's see what we see".

Edited by Morang, 20 August 2013 - 09:29 PM.

#2 Doctor King Schultz


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:31 PM

I've seen so many conspiracy theories on this forum to explain away PGI's incompetence. Nope, just incompetence.

#3 Morang


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:40 PM

Another possibility is that they already know somehow that they can disregard the forum posters (for example, comparing a number of active forum users with Project Phoenix sales).

Edited by Morang, 20 August 2013 - 02:41 PM.

#4 Braggart


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:42 PM

i'm not boycotting the game, I'm just moving on to more enjoyable games.

#5 stjobe


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:47 PM

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
- Hanlon's Razor, Robert J. Hanlon

#6 Monky


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:00 PM

They can certainly use this as a lesson in the future, but I doubt that's the driving reason.

Given how shoddy 3PV is for helping newbies with torso/leg orientation, and how much it enables covered spotting, and they are scrapping the split queues ideas, the only viable reason for including it is selling paint.

#7 Homeless Bill


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:06 PM

It's time to put the tinfoil hat down. They're just doing it wrong.

#8 AlexEss


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:31 PM

Every now and then it becomes apparent to the vocal minority that they are in fact not the centre of the universe... For them it is as rude of an awakening each time.

Personally i wished that all the people who feel betrayed would fill out a form on the support site and the move on with their life. Unfortunately neither them nor i will get what we want.

But in a way i think it is a test... They want to see how many outside of the diamond core actually give a flying faracas about 3PV. My guess is that when the numbers are tallied it is not even worth wasting a single dime on "hardcore-mode"but i am sure they will any way because they said they would.

Somehow i think the game will do better now, especially as pretty much the competitors have a 3PV. The market dictates.

#9 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:36 PM

View PostAlexEss, on 20 August 2013 - 03:31 PM, said:

Every now and then it becomes apparent to the vocal minority that they are in fact not the centre of the universe... For them it is as rude of an awakening each time.

Personally i wished that all the people who feel betrayed would fill out a form on the support site and the move on with their life. Unfortunately neither them nor i will get what we want.

But in a way i think it is a test... They want to see how many outside of the diamond core actually give a flying faracas about 3PV. My guess is that when the numbers are tallied it is not even worth wasting a single dime on "hardcore-mode"but i am sure they will any way because they said they would.

Somehow i think the game will do better now, especially as pretty much the competitors have a 3PV. The market dictates.

If I want 3rd person view, I play TT. MechWarrior puts me IN the cockpit. So the Market can suck my dictates!

#10 Asakara


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:39 PM

They are a private for-profit company. One of the ways they make a profit is selling paints and patterns.

3rd person view allows people to see the paints and patterns they purchased in a match, instead of just letting everyone but them see it while they play.. Which may lead people to purchase more paints and patterns.. Which may lead to more profits.

#11 Archon Adam Steiner


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:42 PM

I don't think 3PV or simultaneous existence with 1PV is good for the game, but the absolute presumptuousness of some individuals stemming from their ironclad belief that a few polls somehow represent 'the will of the people' is shocking. Vocal forum goers have been a minority in every MMO, ever. It is no different in World of Warcraft, with its millions of actual paying subscribers, nor any different in the 'hardcorest of the hardcore' EVE: Online. Just because one makes a poll or two and some very vehement individuals write lengthy prose about how PGI can't tell their arse from their elbow does not ipso facto make them correct.

#12 AlexEss


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:43 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 20 August 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:

If I want 3rd person view, I play TT. MechWarrior puts me IN the cockpit. So the Market can suck my dictates!

Well i guess that is one way to look at it... Not a very sane or balanced way but a way non the less. The thing is that pretty much all of the competition have this feature, the customers enjoy the feature and it would be a disservice to the product to keep said feature disabled.

Now one thing i can agree to is that PGI got to stop talking in absolutes... That never turn out well in the modern day and age.

#13 stjobe


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:51 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 20 August 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:

If I want 3rd person view, I play TT. MechWarrior puts me IN the cockpit. So the Market can suck my dictates!

Exactly. In BattleTech (TT), you're the commander of usually 4-12 'mechs, with a birds-eye view of the battlefield. You don't really play the part of any of the pilots of the 'mechs you're commanding.

In MechWarrior (both the original pen-and-paper role-playing game and the video game series) you're supposedly playing the part of the pilot, seeing things through his or her eyes, from inside the cockpit.

One of these lends itself well to 3PV, the other does not. I'll leave the figuring out which is which as an exercise for the reader.

#14 zorak ramone


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 03:56 PM

If this is an experiment, then we need to help make it a successful experiment.

If you love MechWarrior and you loved the experience you had in NBT-4 and NBT-mercs, or in MW4-NR and/or MWLL, now is the time to quit MWO.

Being forced into 3rd person queues is an affront to everything you love, and it will not get better. PGI are a bunch of liars, and will not improve the game with community warfare. There is no reason to believe that any sort of competitive, tactical gaming environment such as we had in MW4 no-respawn leagues will be possible in MWO. Similarly, if you just enjoyed NR play in MW4 or MWLL, that game type is dead as well.

As long as MWO is successful, IGP will continue to hold the MechWarrior license. As long as IGP holds the license, nothing will change. You have no recourse but to quit. The only message you can send is to reduce their player counts. Reduce the viewers of their podcasts. Reduce the number of MWO centric leagues and websites.

Maybe PGI will listen and remove 3rd person or add separate queues (in which case you should come back). If they don't then MWO needs to fail, and another developer/pulisher pick up the IP.

#15 AlexEss


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 04:07 PM

So Zorak

What are IGP to do if the majority of the customers like the game as it is...?

Whoo do you think they will listen to.

#16 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 04:18 PM

SO let me get this right...

...the no seperation of queue between first person and third person (switchable)?

Yep. I think I'll be taking a break now indefinitely. Good luck.

( P.S.) Doesn't PGI realize they will be losing money in COCKPIT ITEMS?! You know, those things that you could buy to customize your cockpit, where in FTP vanity items are one of the MAIN sources of income? Glad all those new players will be very willing to throw down cash on things they'll never see. Maybe they'll buy paint? But I doubt it. Causual usually don't fork over money very quick unless the game is in really good standing, which lets all be honest. Its not.... at all.

#17 zorak ramone


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 08:05 PM

View PostAlexEss, on 20 August 2013 - 04:07 PM, said:

So Zorak

What are IGP to do if the majority of the customers like the game as it is...?

Whoo do you think they will listen to.

If they don't loose a whole bunch of players (i.e if a bunch of players don't quit), they'll do nothing. They'll assume, rightly or wrongly, that the majority like it. Of course, they would change nothing.

If they do loose a whole chunk of players, it doesn't matter if they're the majority or not. They're lost revenue and content, and if the chunk is big enough, it will be ALOT of lost revenue and content. It will then be necessary to implement 1PV queues alongside 3PV queues just to keep those players.

This is why its essential for anyone who hates 3PV and loves MW4-MWLL style NR play to quit until they add 1PV queues.

#18 Morang


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 09:25 PM

I think this tweet by Russ Bullock supports my suggestion. Yes, it can be a test if they can slip this.

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